
New Here!

on 12/15/08 11:06 am - Newport News, VA
Hello to all.  I am just dropping by to say hello and to say that reading what everyone has to say is really motivating.  I have just found out that my insurance covers the band procedure and I want to go and talk to my doctor however I am still embarassed by the fact that I am overweight.  Havent always been the size I am now, but always been fighting my whole life.  Had a baby and now it seems I have been fight since then (two years)  and gotten no where.  So just looking for some courage to make my appt to talk to my doc and mention that I want a weight loss surgery.  Even though everytime I go to the doctors lately they all mention my weight.  and to add to the horror, today I found out due to my weight gains, since oct I have stopped ovulating, I am only 25, I am not making eggs, I am doing other things, but not eggs.  I cried to my husband.  I am not supposed to be broken so early in life.  like a man without sperm.  Anyway thank you to anyone *****sponds.
on 12/16/08 1:00 am - Orland Park, IL
You have just taken the first step to a healthier you! Congratulations!
Do not be embarrassed by being overweight...talk with your doctor and go to a bariatric seminar. You will get good information there. Everyone here is or has been in the same boat as you....we are doing it now and so can you. Learn as much as possible about the band and other surgeries before committing to one. With any surgery you must make the right decision for yourself.  Good luck and keep us posted! You are on the phone making that appointment right now......right?

on 12/16/08 6:13 am - Newport News, VA
I just called and made my appointment, suprisingly enough they had an appointment available next tuesday.  So we will see what happens from there.  Thank you for your support.
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