

on 12/9/08 7:02 am, edited 12/9/08 7:31 am - CHICAGO, IL
Hey guys,

I have the lap band, I've had a couple of complications before, my pouch got dilated twice and had to have my band unfilled,  at this point my band is empty.

I want to have a revision to the DS, but was denied by the insurance company, I'll be appealing at the beginning of the year, but I'm not sure if the outcome will be positive, I haven't had any fills again because they are not covered under my current insurance policy and since the last couple of times I got fills I ended up having problems, I have to have my fills done under fluro and they get very expensive.

But I'm thinking that I'd like to give it a try and get another fill in the meantime while I wait for the appeal for the revision and also in case the appeal is denied... and I'll pay for the fill, I've read some about the Realize Band, but I want your opinion as to what are the main differences between just the band and the realize band, and do I need to see a doctor/surgeon  that specializes in the Realize Band? and is it a better experience than just the band? 
I'd appreciate any info that you could give me. Thanks!

PS: Edited to add that I'd like to know if I have to follow certain rules or different rules with a realize band doctor having the regular band in , I'm aware it's a different type of band, but I thought one of the major difference was the follow up with the nutrition and after care etc.. I thought with the realize band you were supposed to be monitored more closely byt the doctor...but maybe I'm wrong...?

  Even hippos need love sometimes... arent we human after all ?heart
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on 12/9/08 8:47 am - WV
Both bands are very simular including rules and after care. Think of the band as a car. No matter which car you buy the oil must be changed every 3-5 thousand miles,... ect. The differences  are in the shape and trim. Just like a car. I may be able to drive mine for 200,000 miles you may only get 100,000 miles. Why? Many factors go into that. Including how you drive. If you get the scheduled maintanence done on time and if you listen to the knocks and noises or just ignore them.

All of that can be said of both bands. If you eat the way you should. Do not stay too tight. Get regular care, and listen to your body. You should have a good experience with which ever one you get. And if one is destined to fail most likely the other would have too.

Hang in there and don't give up. Crystal

First fill 11/4/08 3cc's  Second fill 12/19/08 2cc's
Third appt 1/27/09 rescheduled
Third fill 3/24/09 1 cc= Total 6cc's

on 12/9/08 9:57 pm - CHICAGO, IL
Thank you so much Crystal, so I think that I don't really have to find a doctor that specializes in the realize band, my surgeon is so far away from me, that I think I'm going to find a different one, closer to me and give it another try with a fill and start new again the beginning of the year and see how my revision approval transpires.... I thought the after care was somewhat different from what I read somewhere, obviously I was wrong, thank you so much for all the info and for responding to my post. Elen

  Even hippos need love sometimes... arent we human after all ?heart
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on 12/9/08 10:13 pm - Orland Park, IL
The realize band has a website where you can log the food you eat, log your exercise, log your weight and measurements and you can log your goals.
It isn't really follow-up care, but it is a place where your doctor can look at your info to see what your doing if you are having problems.

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