
2 days and counting

on 12/8/08 9:58 pm, edited 12/8/08 9:58 pm - Waldorf, MD
Well it's down to 2 days before my surgery. I had been having mixed emotions and thoughts that i shouldn't have. I guess when it is overwith it will be well worth the trouble. I have never been cut on in the abdominal area for surgery all of mine have been joint surgeries like the knee, shoulder, and hand but never the stomach. I just started getting a little nervous over it but hopefully they will give me something to calm me down before I go into surgery. Does anybody know if they do this beforehand ? If so please let me know.
Dusty Cassidy   " It's not a real adventure unless you come home with a scar "                    
Current weight  219.0 Lbs   My  Ideal weight  188   I love my sleeve 
on 12/9/08 6:24 am - Orland Park, IL
Good luck Dusty! Don't let your nerves get the best of you....you will do fine! Just keep your eyes on the prize.....a new healthier you!

on 12/9/08 8:05 am
They are gonna give you good drugs, don't you worry!  You won't even remember anything until way after you wake back up. 
Karyn Isom
Webster, KY

Jo Ann M.
on 12/9/08 8:42 am - Edison, NJ
Relax....  I know that's easy to say, but I was a wreck before my band surgery on March 27, 2008.   It was amazingly easy.  I woke up in the recovery room and felt great except for some gas  and they gave drugs for that.  Had it on a Thurs morning.. went home friday.  It was uncomfortable but not agonizing.  So far have lost 80 lbs and think it's the BEST thing I've ever done.   Good luck and if I can help or answer any questions...   let me know.

  Always, Jo Ann
        (but hopefully less of me soon )
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