
Still got my Smile !!

Vickie G.
on 11/29/08 9:27 pm - AL
SEE  Thanks for all your support !! I had called the Doctor "s office myself and asked how my Thyroid levels were after Pre-opt . They had can-celled me twice for it and guess what ?Their answer was we didn't check it ! I was the one who asked for the Blood work to re-check it before surgery . Not the doc or his office me ! Then moved me to the holding area. Gave me my  I don't care meds I was in the OR and was put under The last I remember was Yes Yes Yes !! Then came the sad part. I could hardly see and they told me my levels were to high and had to cancel . Yes I was devastated ! Came home and slept off the meds. I am disappointed , but will not give up !! Just looks like they would have had the results of the lab work before they put me under. Thanks you all for listening !!

Nothing tastes as good as being thinner feels.

I have to walk early in the morning, before my brain figures out what I'm doing.

"Obstacles are what we see when we take our eyes off the goal." 









on 11/30/08 6:55 am

Just keep the faith, it will get better.
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