Still got my Smile !!
SEE Thanks for all your support !! I had called the Doctor "s office myself and asked how my Thyroid levels were after Pre-opt . They had can-celled me twice for it and guess what ?Their answer was we didn't check it ! I was the one who asked for the Blood work to re-check it before surgery . Not the doc or his office me ! Then moved me to the holding area. Gave me my I don't care meds I was in the OR and was put under The last I remember was Yes Yes Yes !! Then came the sad part. I could hardly see and they told me my levels were to high and had to cancel . Yes I was devastated ! Came home and slept off the meds. I am disappointed , but will not give up !! Just looks like they would have had the results of the lab work before they put me under. Thanks you all for listening !!