
were you told NOT to drink b4 or after each meal?

on 11/29/08 8:55 am
The nurse has told me it is very important NOT to drink any liquid 30 min before and 30 min after each meal.  Not even a sip.  She says the fluid can sit on top and cause the band to slip.  Sometimes, not often, I have forgotten and took a drink.  Has anyone heard that this is that big a deal?

Also, does your band stick out?  You can see mine and it kind of grosses me out.  Especially when I lay down, it really sticks out.  Does anyone else's?

down approx 40 lbs since 9/1 but I have hit a plateau..it is definately a tool..it still takes alot of willpower to make the right food choices
on 11/29/08 10:38 am - FL
VSG on 04/05/13 with
Yes, I was also told not to drink 30 minutes before or after a meal.  I can't have a meal with out a sip of a something ortherwise I will choke. I will have a sip or two during a meal, this will help me to get thru.  I can also see my band sticking out but I assume that this will change once the swelling goes away.




Jessica P.
on 11/29/08 1:10 pm - Kings Park, NY
I heard that the reason for not drinking during or after is so you don't flush your food into the larger part of your stomach too fast. I don't believe it has anything to do with slippage. I was told no drinking 30 min before, during or an hour after to ensure I feel full after the proper 4-6oz of food. 
I hope this helps. 
on 12/1/08 7:03 am - Florence, KY
It doesn't have anything to do with band slippage, it is becasue if you drink before or after a meal then you dilute your food into runny goop that can slide through your band restriction and you will overeat, and not feel full fast enough...
on 12/1/08 7:11 am

Thanks to everyone that responded.  I appreciate it.

on 12/4/08 11:12 pm - Ocala, FL
randomly, can I just say rackeSRN- LOVE the avatar!
As someone told me lately, everyone deserves the chance to fly!
on 12/5/08 8:17 am - Florence, KY
Cool, thanks!  I am a Wicked fan  (pun intended) and my daughter considers me a witch so it seemed quite applicable! 
Vicky S.
on 12/3/08 3:11 am - Taunton, MA
Just my two cents added...

My surgeon's office doesn't require the 30 min restriction before eating, but does require the 30 min wait after a meal.  I was told that liquids (water, etc) go right through the band and do not stay in the pouch (like they do with RNY) therefore I can drink right up to the time I eat.  And as one of the previous posters remarked... if you drink AFTER a meal you dilute the food and it passes through the band without giving you the satiety you need to stay full.

My band doesn't stick out, but I can feel my port.  I can't see it.

"You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be." ~ David Viscott   


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