
Realize or Lap Band?

Jessica P.
on 11/29/08 1:07 pm - Kings Park, NY
 Hi Everyone,
 My surgery is on the 8th. I went for my last pre-op visit on Tuesday and they asked me if I wanted the realize band or the lap band. The NP told me that there really isn't too much different between the two besides the lower port and website with the realize. I did some research of my own and saw that the percentage of slip rates was lower on the realize band. It makes me nervous that realize has only been around for 2 years though. 
I left the final decision up to my surgeon. I trust that he will make the best choice for me. But I thought that maybe I would go with the realize band UNTIL I just read someone's post that she had to have her port replaced after her 2nd fill! 
I'm hoping that you all can help me with my decision. 
Thank you,
on 11/30/08 3:50 am - Watertown, MA

I am by no means a pro at this, but I would tell you to have faith in your surgeon to choose what will work best for you.  That's what I did.  The "issues" that we all read about on OH are real, but also rare - unfortunately, the negative stands out far more than the positive.  think back to the stigma associated with WLS just a few years ago - people freaked when they heard about others having it but that was also because we only heard the bad stuff - people dying or almost dying - they didn't make announcements on the news about all of the success stories.

I'm sure your surgeon will choose the product that is best for you in your situation. I have the Realizeband and have had absolutely no issues at all. 

Good luck with your decision and best of luck on your journey!! 
Jessica P.
on 11/30/08 5:28 am - Kings Park, NY
Thank you! : )
on 12/2/08 4:23 am - gervais, OR
I have the Lap Band and I have had no problems, it doesnt stick out like I have heard some people say the Realize band does. I got mine on 10-10-08 and have not had any problems, today I am down 25lbs and will get my second fill on 12-15-08.
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