
Please come into my office...:)

Rhonda C.
on 11/13/08 5:51 am - Kansas City, KS
Ok so I was banded on June 26th, and to date I have only lost 12lbs but alot was due to my doctor being very conservative with fills therefore I never got any restriction off the bat like most last month I got my first "stuck" episode so I figured ok I am going to get restriction from now on, ok he had already put in 8ccs for a total right?????

Well I go back today I lost 7.6lbs which was good I thought (I could lose more if I were to exercise and really eat good) but anyway we did another barium swallow because I am still eating like close to 2 cups of food and NO PBing for the last 2 weeks. Did the swallow and everything looks good no stretched anything, well I swallowed the barium and it went through so fast and my eyes were popping out thinking back to my last fill I saw the liquid almost do a complete stop before going through and now after the 8ccs I am back to the same NO RESTRICTION, restriction meaning it went right through...I am confused so they put 2ccs in and then only did it go down alot slower but not as slow as last time do you all follow me still? MEANING I am suppose to have a 9cc band and he tells me I have 10ccs in my realize band. I am so confused and thinking maybe something is very wrong, could it be I have a leak how come it went right through so easily again this time if it was at very good pace at 8ccs damn this is so discouraging seriously. Any others share the same experience of filling more than what thier band is SUPPOSE to hold?
on 11/14/08 5:14 am - IL
i have 6cc in my realize band (9cc) i heard that you can have more than that in the band...idon't really understand it either...but i have restrition at this point so i am not really worried right now....
it sure is confusing though
on 11/14/08 11:40 pm - Chattanooga Area, GA
The balloon part of the band can stretch to hold a bit more than the recommended limit, and there's also the room in the port to band tubing.


on 11/15/08 12:04 am - Columbus, OH
 You need to keep in mind that as you lose weight your stomach shrinks and I'm sure that losens your band.  If you are wondering how many cc  you have why not ask you dr. to extract all of the saline and yall can measure it, then see if you can put it all back in.  Just a suggestion.

I've had my band since April and don't have 8 cc yet.  I'm not sure how much I do have.  Went for another fill yesterday and he said he put .3 cc in.  I forgot to ask him the total amount so  when I spoke to my NUT afterwards she said I had a total of 7.3, but adding up all of my fills I get 7.5 (I actually thought I had 8)  I feel like I'm almost there but not quite.  I do have some restriction but am still eating to much food at 1 sitting. Of course I haven't eaten anything other than soup yesterday.  I'll know more in a couple of days. 

From the looks of your total weight loss you're doing good.  Good Luck!

Hugs,   Peggy 


Rhonda C.
on 11/15/08 12:35 am - Kansas City, KS
12lbs since June I dont l think is good, but then again i just started getting restriction last month. I have not been able to eat at all not even drink a normal drink since thursday it's goes down real hard and is uncomfortable :(   Well I have 10ccs so he said and yes he did say that next month on the 12th he will take it all out and measure it. I don't think I have lost enough weight that around my band has shrunk if that made sense. I got on the scale and it said i lsot 5lbs I can see where cuz I have not eaten since thursday which s bad but I am so scared I might try soup today wish me luck!!!!
on 11/15/08 3:01 am - Columbus, OH
I'm sorry Rhonda.  I was thinking you lost more than that total. I know exactly how you feel, I've only lost 30  and gained some of that back.  I know how you feel.  The only time I lose is right after I get my fill because I'm on restricted diet. 

Have you tried drinking something hot in the morning.  I drink hot tea and find it helps open me up a little and then I eat something around 11:00.  I have to cut it into real tiny pieces and chew the heck out of it.  But I'm still eating too much and eating too frequently.  I guess we need a little more work.

Good Luck with your soup.

Hugs,   Peggy 


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