
High 60+ BMI and Band?

on 11/12/08 11:27 am - Oakland, CA
Has anyone with a really high bmi over 60 had the band and seen sucess?
I have heard that it is not very helpful for high bmi people.
Right now my insurance only covers the band and the RNY.
The RNY is scary to me.

on 11/13/08 12:16 am - MI
I had a 55 BMI and I was banded.  I am only two weeks out, so I can't tell you if I have reached my final goal.

The band is a slower solution, but long term - you should lose about the same amount of weight as RNY if you follow the plan.  I know people that have lose 200+ pounds with the band.  So it can be done.  Remember - both are just tools.  They won't do the work for you.
on 11/13/08 4:06 am - Oakland, CA
Thank you- How are you feeling now?
on 11/15/08 2:41 pm - Gilbert, AZ
I started out with a 63.5 bmi - I was banded almost exactly one year ago (lap band not realize) and I have lost as of today 131 pounds.  After doing lots of research, I too felt that the long term risks (5 years out or more) with vitamin deficiencies and inability to absorb meds was a concern.  This of course doesn't happen to everyone, but I knew for sure that this could not happen with the band.

On another note, the lapband has worked well for me because I was not a big snacker, just a volume eater - the lapband has really stopped my ability to eat bad carbs, etc. (breads pastas, burgers, french fries, etc.)  It stopped my hunger as well.

Good luck with your decision.
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