
Another ?? I am always coming up with new ?'s

on 11/11/08 4:51 am - AL
I food journal daily, and I track my intake of protien, calories, fat grams, sat. fat grams, sugars, and carbs. I know that I really don't have to count all that daily. But I do just so that I know what I am taking in daily.  I know how much protien and calories I should be getting. I want to make sure that I am not going over the recommended fat grams, sat. fat grams, sugars and carbs for 
wls/band. I only eat till I am full, I never over eat, but I am kind of curious to know these things. 

My question is: "Is there a certain amount of fat grams, sat.fat grams, sugars and carbs that I shouldn't be going over in a day?

I watch how many fat grams, and carbs I take in everyday. I am pretty sure that I am not getting too much. But again I am curious. If anyone knows please let me know. I love the forum everybody is always so nice and helpful. Thank you

Highest:220 lbs ~Surgery:180 lbs DOS:5/13/2008 ~Current:115.0 lbs ~Goal:115 lbs



on 11/12/08 4:27 am
there is no set amount, it all depends on body type, sex, physical activity done throughout the day.
on 11/12/08 5:15 am - AL
Thanks, I didn't think to take any of that into consideration. I could see where all that would be factors to take in consideration of each individual. Thanks again

Highest:220 lbs ~Surgery:180 lbs DOS:5/13/2008 ~Current:115.0 lbs ~Goal:115 lbs



on 11/12/08 9:22 pm
I read your profile, your weight chart looked so much like mine, I am just a few months back from you.  You are doing so well, I would keep on with what you are doing. I hope I can do as well as you have!!  It sounds like you have had so many things happen during this change you are going through.  Stand proud and keep up the good work!  Good luck with the things that are happening in your family life right now. 
Karyn Isom
Webster, KY

on 11/13/08 4:45 am - AL
Thank you so much. Yes, I have had a lot of life altering changes this past year.
I believe 2008 I have had the biggest changes in my whole entire life, other than having my daughter at 19 yrs old. Things are still pretty much the same right now, but we have a lot of family support. I am not going to let anything bring me down, or hinder my life.
I know this is bit of a cliche, I don't know why? but I do believe that everything does happen for a reason. And I am not a real religious person, but I do have my beliefs, faith, and hope. And I do believe that God is not going to put on me, or my family more than what we can handle. And he must have a purpose, or something for us to learn and grow from all of things that has taken place in our lives in the past year. Now let me be honest and truthful here. There are some times that I do get a little discouraged and do want things to happen right now. (That's like anyone else would). I am going to keep positive and everything going to be alright.
We are going through tough times right now, and I know that it's not always going to be this way. And there are other people out into this big world that is much worse off then we are. I am loving life and I am looking forward to 2009.
About my weight loss journey, and what a journey it's been. I am doing good still weight the weight loss despite I still have no insurance or money to go see a Dr.
But as soon as it is possible I am going to get to the Dr. first thing. I am nearly done with my weight loss to my goal. I have 10 more pounds to go. But I am still scared, see I have been here before I've lost 90 lbs before to have only kept it off for a little over a year then gained it all back.
I guess I am just scared, to hope to see it not come back and to keep it off. I will have to maintenance and to keep using the band as a tool to keep it off this time for good and ever.
I know the band is only the tool part of it all, and I have to keep doing my part. I am very proud of what I have accomplished with myself from this weight loss journey, to be totally honest I am scared of the maintenance part. But I am going to remain positive, be happy, and most importantly healthy, and enjoy and live life. If anything I have learned and taken away from everything that has happened in my life in the past year, that is to love life and love all the people in it, and to live life to it's fullest. Whoa, that was too deep. I am sorry, it all just started coming out of me. Thanks for your kind words and encouragement. Good luck with your continued weight loss journey and everything in your life. keep in touch

Highest:220 lbs ~Surgery:180 lbs DOS:5/13/2008 ~Current:115.0 lbs ~Goal:115 lbs



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