

on 10/26/08 11:41 am

I am having a hard time telling my children I  am having the lap band.  They know that I am always dieting and that I struggle with my weight, I just don't want them to worry. 

Does anyone have any suggestions?  I have one teenage son 14, and 2 girls (12 & 9).

Thanks in advance for any suggestions/comments on how to discuss.. 


on 10/26/08 12:43 pm - Rose Bud, AR
My boys are 20,16 and 11.  For them...even though some are older, I went online and found the video that shows the actual implantation of the device.  They were allowed to ask any questions they had and if I didn't know...we looked it up right then.  The biggest "misunderstanding" was that my 11 year old was suprised to see me come home still fat...he expected that Barbie was coming to his house that afternoon...darn it...it was just old Mom. 

Kids today are so mature and grown in comparison to what we were back "in the day".  Give em' a chance, you might be pleasantly suprised at how much they do understand. 

Good luck!!!
Shelly S.
on 10/28/08 9:14 am - Stillwater, OK
VSG on 12/13/12
That's funny. My 8 year old was the same way. He thought I would go to the hospital, have surgery, spend the night and come home skinny!




Mendee M.
on 10/26/08 12:47 pm - Mulvane, KS
I have always been a fan of honesty with my girls (21 & 15). They have been aware of my intentions from the start, and are supportive. My 15 year old ( the worrier ) is actually going to the hospital with me tomorrow. At first, she acted like it was nothing, but now she says she wouldn't be able to concentrate at school anyway, so she is going to come.

I think kids pick up on your feelings pretty easy. Not 1 time have I acted scared or nervous about the procedure. I have always been very positive and confidant that this was a good choice. I believe my daughter picked up on these vibes as well and is not worrying about it either.

I would tell them

10 pounds below goal!                  
on 10/26/08 10:45 pm, edited 10/26/08 10:45 pm - Orland Park, IL
After 3 months of my 6 month supervised diet I told my kids (they are adults) that I was thinking about having the surgery and that the diet I've been on was part of the process to have it. I even told them to check out the video showing what will happen during the surgery. We then just discussed how this would change my life and I stressed that I was doing this to get healthy, ( get off bp meds, lower my risk of diabetes, etc) not just to get thin. Good luck!

PS: You might want to let them know its a lot of hard work on your part and that weightloss  doesn't happen overnight.

on 10/27/08 3:42 am - TULSA, OK
I have 2 kids 13 & 2.  I did tell the 13 year old about it and she is very supportive.  I am now 5 weeks out and have lost almost 30lbs and my daughter is my biggest fan and encourages me everyday.  She tells me how good i'm doing and how good I look.  She has been great.  My 2 year old son, I told him because he had a hard time that I could not pick him up but he would rub my tummy and say "ouchy"  So he understood the best he could.  You want to discuss it with them prior because with any surgery there is always possible complications and you would hate for something to go wrong and you did not talk to them prior.  You don't have to give all the details but let them be informed.  You will find that this will become a household change not just a personal change for yourself.  This has effected everyone in my house.  Good luck to you!

on 10/27/08 11:34 am
I would like to thank each and everyone for your comments.  I have read them all and have taken what you have wrote to heart.  Some really great advice.  The reason I am hesistant in telling them because they do worry (get it from there mom); but fortunately, I haven't really worried about having surgery.  I prayed about it, discuss with husband, sister, and a couple of close friends; and of course my doctor.

I will definitely let them know that I am having surgery.  Please do keep me in your prayers.  Because of my job, I rarely get to post on the board, but I truly appreciate the support given on here; it means a lot.

God Bless

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