
Small victory

Denise M.
on 10/15/08 10:28 pm
 Hi all, 
My name is Denise and I am planning on getting the Realize Band.  I officially started my journey on October 3rd by meeting with my surgeon and getting my pre-insurance submission checklist.  My insurance requires a 10% weight loss prior to approval for coverage.

Initially, he looked at my chart and said we'd start with the highest weight noted, which was 268.  I believe my insurance will go with the highest weight documented at the doctor's office from the last 2 years.  I knew I weighed more than that at my all time high, so I called the diabetes clinic.  Sure enough, my highest weight was 274.  

If we go by 268, I'd have to lose ~27 pounds and get to 241 before we could submit to insurance.  But if we go by 274, I'd have to lose ~27 pounds to get to 247 in order to be ready to submit. 6 less pounds I have to lose!

I got an email from the nurse practitioner at the bariatric clinic and she said we could start with the 274 weight--yippeeeee!  Because I now weigh 259, I only have to lose 12 pounds to get to my goal!!!!   That seems like such a smaller mountain to have to climb.  "Only" 12 lbs.

I would love to be scheduled for surgery in January if possible.  So right now I am busting my butt to get this weight off.  I've significantly increased my exercise (20 min elliptical trainer, plus two 20 minute walks at work daily) and am paying attention to what I eat, no snacking and such.  I found Icebreakers Cinnamon sugar free mints and I am in love--keeps my taste buds preoccupied!

So hopefully I can knock this weight off relatively quickly and can use the surgery as a carrot on a stick to get me through the upcoming holiday season!  

Thanks for listening!

Stacy C.
on 10/16/08 12:42 pm - Laguna Hills, CA
Congrats on one of many SV's and NSV's you will have! Your surgery will be scheduled and here before you know it! Congrats again!


9cc Realize Band: 1st Fill 10/27 3cc,  2nd fill 1/22 2cc, 3rd fill 3/5 1.5 cc
Denise M.
on 10/16/08 9:46 pm
Thank you, Stacy!

I'm kind of surprised by my own motivation right now.  And at this pace, maybe I can get my band in early January!  We'll see!  Just having made the decision to go for it has changed me for the better.  I can't even imagine how things will change after surgery.  Kind of scary but definitely exciting.

Congrats on your own recent banding!  How are you feeling?  Please keep us posted--it's very inspiring to hear how others are doing on their journeys!!!

on 10/17/08 2:14 am - Orland Park, IL
Congratulations on making the decision to get healthy! Keep your eyes on the prize and you will get those 12 pounds off in no time!

Denise M.
on 10/17/08 11:19 pm
 Thanks, Carol!

It's funny how just setting my mind to having surgery has helped already.  Last night would have been a typical, "grab fast food on the way home," kind of night, but I was able to say to myself that wouldn't help me get the pre op weight off, so I didn't.  Saving money and calories at the same time!

I also got up and exercised first thing this morning.  At this rate, I am confident those pounds will come off, too!

How are you enjoying your band so far?  You're doing great on your weight loss--do you feel more energy and feel better in general?

Thanks for the confidence boost!
on 10/18/08 2:44 am - Orland Park, IL
Denise having the band has been great...I have four grandchildren, another coming within the next few weeks...and I have soo much more energy to play with them on the floor and run around outside. I feel so much better than I have felt in quite a long time. I no longer wake up feeling tired and droopy. Occasionally I do have a slow day..where the butt is dragging but its not everyday. I did this to get healthy and I'm no longer taking blood pressure meds.
I do blog on my profile, feel free to browse my profile!

Denise M.
on 10/18/08 10:36 pm
That is sooooo good to hear, Carol!  Constant fatigue is my arch enemy right now.  To think that I might have energy, to wake up refreshed . . . maaaaan!!!   Even if I only had that energy one day a week, it'd be a great improvement over now.   JOY!!

I'm looking forward to getting off lots of meds too (cholesterol, diabetes, to avoid needing bp meds) and getting healthier.  I'm so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.  

And to have some energy is like icing on the cake.  Um,  or like fresh fruit in your smoothie would be a better analogy! 

I see a lot of similarities in my life in your profile--THANK YOU for sharing!

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