
disappointed in support group

on 10/10/08 11:34 am - Scottsville, VA
Hi all,

This board is really slow, hope there is someone out there.

I went to my first support group at the hospital for bariatric surgeries.  First I went at noon, and it didn't start until 12:45.  So I went to the cafeteria and had diet pudding, crystal light, and decaf coffee.  When it did start all that was there was the dietician, one other lady who had her surgery in July, and myself.

I am going to a Thursday evening group in a couple of weeks hoping some more folk will be there.

Do you have support groups at the hospitals where you have had your procedures???

on 10/10/08 2:37 pm - Okotoks, Canada
HI, Jeane...it's Eydie from Alberta  back again !!!

Well, I have had some concerns re: support groups too.  The program here in Edmonton offers one on one support but there is no group to attend and I was really looking forward to that part of the follow-up.  Dr. Blackstone's clinic in AZ where I was originally going to go for surgery has an excellent follow up program.  They also have an on -line suppport chat group that meets on line twice a month, maybe your center has one too??

If you can't find anything , just remember I'm only an e-mail away.  God bless and happy Canadian thanksgiving!   Eydie
342/298/280175  highest / surgery  wtNov 19/08/ current/ goal
on 10/10/08 11:13 pm - Scottsville, VA
Thanks, Edie;

I really don't understand the reason people won't come to support groups. 

I am going to add you to my FL if that is ok, And I hope I can be there for you as well.


on 10/10/08 6:16 pm - Aurora, CO
Yeah, my surgeon has a lot of them through out the metropolitian area.  Can you ask your doctor if there are any that he can reccommend?  Or maybe you can start one and look for people in your area on this website that would meet with you.  You could meet at a resturant, library (they usually have meeting rooms of some kind), or at someone's house.  I am sorry that you were disapointed with the meeting you went to.  How did you hear about that one?

I joined the Realize Band - 10/2/2008 

My blog:
on 10/10/08 11:58 pm - Scottsville, VA
I heard about this support group by the nutritionist as I had my pre-surgery appointments and also the surgeon.

There are 2 folks (one has just had surgery and the other hopes to have surgery in a month or so) in the area and I am hoping we can start getting together for coffee or something.

I also have my post surgery checkup on Monday and will talk to the surgeon about other groups in the area.


on 10/11/08 4:01 am - Aurora, CO
Not a problem!  Good luck!! 

I joined the Realize Band - 10/2/2008 

My blog:
on 10/11/08 4:02 am

I live in Illinois and the support groups I have attended is always full of people. The Kane Center for Bariatric Surgery offers pre-surgical support groups and post surgical support groups. I have not yet encounted a time when no one is there. These groups are done on Saturday mornings. However, there are support groups during the week but I have never attended those because I am working. If you are going during the day to a support group meeting that could be the reason why no one is there because of work.

on 10/11/08 4:08 am - Scottsville, VA
Yes, I do think the 12:45 time frame was the problem,  I am still on sick leave and even when I go back to work, my schedule is somewhat flexible so I can get to both that once a month Friday at 12:45 meeting as well as the 5:30 the last Thursday of the month.  I feel the more support I can get the better.

Do you keep a food diary?  The nutritionist suggested we do this to take to the surgeon when we have our visits so he can see if we are getting enough protein, etc.


on 10/12/08 1:01 am

No I do not keep a food diary. This was not suggested by the nutritionist or surgeon. If I am out and get a meal I will eat the meat before anything to ensure that I am getting protein. In the morning I still drink the high protein, no sugar added Carnation Instant Breakfast. However, I do not believe that I am getting 60 grams of protein daily that I should, so I am looking for alternative methods like protein powders that yield a high protein content and can be added to anything you eat. I did find this IsoPure which has 52 grams protein per scoop, but I want to check with the dietician first to see if it is okay to take with the medical conditions I have. My medical conditions are much better then before the surgery and hopefully I will get off some medication after my second blood work. I got my diabetes meds reduced after the first blood test.

Let me know if there is anything else you want to know about. If I can help I will.

on 10/12/08 1:19 am - Scottsville, VA
I think my husband and I may try going out to eat for the first time this evening.  Hopefully we can share a dinner, and I know he will get the things I can eat.  We have always enjoyed doing this and both have missed it.

I have my first post op appointment tomorrow afternoon and am a little anxious about it.

Thanks for being there!

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