
had my realize band today at uva yeah!!!!!!!

on 9/19/08 10:43 am
got my band today and feel wonderful! uva rocks!!!!!!!!
on 9/19/08 9:54 pm
Good for you!!  I am right behind you on  10/3 at UVA as well.  I am glad that it sounds like everything went great.  I was in yesterday and had all of my pre-op testing done and am ready to roll.  Any words of advice along the way that you can pass on are appreciated.  Meanwhile, prayers being said for you for a quick recovery.  Congrats!
on 9/20/08 2:15 am
 you are going to do fine. the day before they will call you between 2pm and 5pm. i got really nervous at 430 and called them myself and got my time which was to be there at 930 but then they had a cancellation and they moved it up to 8am. i got there and within 10 minutes was getting gowned up for the surgery. the nurse will come take you vitals, give you a blood thinner shot (does not hurt much at all) and put your iv in. they give you this real nice warming gown that you can adjust to keep you warm until they take you for your surgery. the anestestialogist(cant spell) will come and talk with you and dr. shimer will peek his head in and say hi. then off you go to the or. when i woke up in the pacu i had some pain and nausea, just tell the nurse and they are right on it from the get go. i live 2 1/2 hour from uva and was still home at  4pm. but do the walking it helps get rid of the gas pains. i wish you the best of luck and thanks for the prayers. i will be praying for you too. if you have any questions just email me and ask. talk  to ya later.
on 9/21/08 7:33 am
did you have to have any kind of tests and any kind of special diet before the surgery.  Dr. Schirmer did my gastric bypass back in 98 last year when I went and seen him he wanted me to think about the stomaphyx (glad I didn't get that done) not very good input on it.  Just wondering, you can e-mail me at [email protected] if you like.  thanks sharon
on 9/30/08 3:10 am - VA
Just curious, where do you live???  I did not realize that they did the procedure at UVA... I am going firday to richmond to have the lapband and wondered how the ride home maybe since I live over 2 hours away in Harrisonburg.  Any advise???  Also, did they keep you overnight....did you have any concerns with the distance and getting help if need be???  I am glad you are doing great and wish you the best success!!
on 9/30/08 11:38 am
I live in a small town called sandy level. It is 2.5 hours from uva. the ride home was okay but they give me 2 percocet for the ride home. I got there at 8am for the surgery and was home by 4pm. I am doing great and have lost 13 pounds so far. thanks for the well wishes.
on 9/30/08 10:33 pm - VA
Thank you for your response.  Sounds like you are doing great!   Have a wonderful day!
Darrin D.
on 9/20/08 12:05 am - GA

That soreness on the left side will go away.  If you are like me, its not terrible, just annoying.  Also, I will give you fair warning so you in turn can warn your loved ones, gas is coming in a day or two.  Nothing you can do about it, just be warned and enjoy it.

Welcome to your own personal Realization!!!!

2nd Fill 2.5cc's for a total of 6cc in a 10cc Realize Band
on 9/20/08 2:08 am
thanks so much for the forewarning. the pain is a little worse today than yesterday so they told me to walk and take advil and alternate it with the percocet. I am so glad that i am on the losing side and have finally come to my realization.
on 9/20/08 2:00 pm
Lap Band on 10/01/08 with
congradulations!!!! I am scheduled for October 1, for the Lap band! I'm so glad to hear that you are doing well. I will be having my surgery done in Raleigh, NC because I didn't realize that they did it at UVA. I live in Southern Virginia and it would have been great to go to UVA!! But, oh well...I love my doctor and the drive isn't bad. Good luck and hope to see ya on the loosing side soon!!!
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