
how much should we eat

on 9/11/08 2:42 pm - mcallen, TX
 Hi everyone...just wondering how much would be the amt in cups that we should be eating a the the sweet spot... My band went in with no restriction. I was eating about 2 1/2 cups. Has a 1cc fill this past monday and eating about 1 1/2 cup to 2. But  i want to know what is the goal  1/2 c or 1c
p.s no wt loss in 3 weeks  
on 9/12/08 2:23 am - sabina, OH
to be honest...there really is no definative answer for us realize bandsters.  I have been banded with the realize band for 6 months now and my food choices determine how much i eat....Some of those that i have talked to that have the realize band and have a fairly good fill might tell you (this includes me) Meats. breads. pastas things like that dont fill you as quick at things like cottage cheese, apple sauce, yougurt pudding...its almost if its the opposite of the lapband...go figure...softer foods pileup on realizers quicker but tougher foods go through well...
So knowing that....don't worry about how many cups of food you can or can't eat....eat with portion controll... meat the size of a deck of cards...etc...(u should have learned that stuff on nutrition classes if not its on the american diabetes site)  try to keep your calories between 1000 and 1200 per day.  I do no more than 350 per meal.  Sometimes i splurge but not often.  (i have a list of things i eat in my blog i think its on AUG. it also has some sample fast food menus for on the go days)  If your still not loosing weight...do a food diary...you have only got 1cc... so you are not going to notice anything right now...  I believe i read somewhere that the makers of the realize band suggest the first fill be at least 3cc's. Not sure where i read that but it was within the past few weeks....also keep in mind it can take some time to get restriction.  I am at 8cc's and am expriencing good restriction now.  I think i am eating to much however my scale says different.
hope this helps

 love hate relationship Eating Disorder      

Servaline Savannah
on 9/13/08 11:51 pm - MI
I have 8cc in my Realize Band and very good portion control.  The restriction is quite tight in the morning and slowly relaxes to the point that I can eat just about what I'm supposed to.  Restriction also varies according to different factors for me, namely stress level.  The more stress the more restriction.  I know to eat lean meat 1st, vegetables second if any room.  Whatever I haven't eaten enough of I make sure to get my daily requirement at night.  I am losing, as long as I remember my priorities, without measuring a thing.
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