
Band vs. RNY- How did you choose?

(deactivated member)
on 9/10/08 9:57 am, edited 9/10/08 9:58 am - Orlando, FL
Hey everyone!!  I'm new to the boards and I have a question. I attended a WLS Seminar last night and I went in with the idea that I would be interested in the Band. However, after listening to all the WLS options, I am now considering the RNY. There are pros and cons to both.  What were some things that helped you decide which one to choose?


on 9/10/08 12:17 pm - Aurora, CO
Hey, welcome!! 

I haven't had my WLS yet, but I will be soon.  I personally chose the band because I didn't want to have my digestive stuff messed with.  With RNY you can have malabsorbtion and if you don't take your vitamins daily, you can get very sick and malnourished.  You also can't really eat any types of sugar again or you can "dump" (throw it back up).  The plus side to the RNY though is that you pretty much loose all of your excess weight within the first year or so.

There is also research that at 5 years out from surgery RNY and band patients have the same amount of weight loss.  So don't base it off of the amount of time you lose, we all lose.  The key is to keep it off permanently.  

With the band, it slows the digestion process down so you stay fuller longer.  There is no malabsorbtion and no cutting of anything internally.  Your doctor can control how much restriction you have so if something in life comes up like a sickness or pregnancy, they can adjust it accordingly.  The band can also be removed (although it is made to stay in you forever).

I am sort of biased though because I want the band, it seems like a better thing to me.  I would recommend going to support groups around your area for both types of surgery and hearing what those people have to say.  Just research both until you can't research anymore.    You will figure out which one is best for you.  Good luck and best wishes!

I joined the Realize Band - 10/2/2008 

My blog:
on 9/12/08 12:54 am - MI
I view the band as being a better long-term solution which is what I want.  The band allows for more flexibilty so you can eat different items over the long term and because it is adjustable, you can change things up for different parts of your life.

The band offers slower weight loss which I feel is better overall for your body vs radical weight loss.  RNY is still a great option for most people and I have no problems with people getting it.

You just need to ask youself what is the best thing for you.
on 9/21/08 9:38 pm - NY
I myself personally went with the band, because I said to myself, "if this doesnt help me, then Ill maybe go with the rny."  I personally am not a sweet eater, although i do get it down once in a while, but generally give me the sandwich over the suger. 

I am sooo happy i went with the band.  I give alot of credit to the rny'ers, because i dont know how they do it. 

I myself couldnt handle it.  Its hard enough for me with the band.  But, i get through it.  Just as the rny'ers do. 

So far, i have lost to date 60lbs since april 08.  Some months slow, and some not so slow.  But!  I will take it.  Its more that i would have done on my own. 

That was me though!  I guess youll just know.  Now, I was originally going with the rny, but then changed because of much thought and research on here and experiences.

Which ever way you go, that will be the best route for you.

good luck

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Pam Eilf
on 9/18/08 5:39 am - Pinconning, MI
I went with RNY because I knew myself.

I am a sweet addict, a chocohalic.  I knew that I would not be able to get where i wanted to be with the band.  I need the sugar restrictions in my life.

I will be honest.  I have chocolate.  I do have a cookie now and again.  I had part of a brownie this afternoon.   I eat pasta, rice and other "forbidden" foods that some do not touch. 

I live a normal life, but live it with limitations now.  I have one small piece of chocolate instead of the whole box.  I have one cookie instead of a half dozen.  I have less than 1/2 cup pasta instead of a 9 inch plate full. 

That is how it has helped me. 

I also have friends that had the lap band.  After 2 years he had not lost any weight.  Why, because one of his favorite things was chocolate milk shakes from McDonalds.  They flow right through, no side affects.  He then had RNY.  He went from a 54 inch waist to a 32.

Its a personal choice, and this is why I did what I did.  Do some sole searching, be honest with yourself.  You will make the right decision for you. 

Best of luck.

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