
I am banded as of 6/26/08

on 6/28/08 4:53 am
i am now officially banded but i have  a few questions as to normal.... Does this feeling of having a tennis ball in your chest go away- i figure it is swelling- also is pudding a full liquid diet item?
on 6/28/08 10:23 am - Elm City, NC
The feeling does go away.  It took a few days for me.  I think it's the swelling, too.  As far as pudding, I ate it as a full liquid, but it is on my pureed food list from my nut.  I could only eat about half of the little cup.  I hope you recover quickly.  Good luck! Amanda

on 6/28/08 2:36 pm - Hot Springs, AR
Hello!  I am scheduled to be banded on July 16th.  How did it go for you???  Did you have much pain?  How often do you have to get up and walk??  I am getting a little nervous..... Thanks!
on 6/29/08 2:52 am
hi there, The surgery went very well for me the surgical assistant said that they were in and out in 20minutes and it went beautiful and the fastest band procedure for them to date. I have not had much pain- but i guess it depends on your personal pain tolerance. I have taken my pain meds only 2 times since thursday and it is more from port pain - uncomfortability. The other incisions are not painful at all but the port incision is more uncomfortable and a nusciance. The gas is uncomfortable also- but they let me start taking gas-x strips at the hospital and that has helped greatly. I get up and walk at least once an hour and that helps also. I will warn you though that you do feel like there is a golf ball in your chest for a while althought that is also better today and i am three days out. Good luck to you and i have no regrets!!!!
on 6/29/08 3:06 am - Hot Springs, AR
Thank you for the information!!  I am glad to hear you say you have no regrets.  I am hoping mine goes as smooth as yours did!!!  Here is a dumb question for you....I am nervous about blood clots...sooo....Do you sleep all night or get up and walk in the night to be sure your blood is circulating???  Thanks again for the info and encouragement!!!
on 6/29/08 4:27 am
i was also nervous about those- i get up and walk and ge****er. I keep my gas strips in the kitchen so i have to get up to take one and also to get a refill on my water bottle. you feel better when you walk walk walk.
on 6/29/08 9:59 am - CO
Hi - I got my band on June 27th!! It still feels surreal - I catch myself thinking as if I don't have it yet. I am a little scared because it is such a big change, and such a permanent one - healing from the surgery is the least of it.  Good Luck to Us! Deb
on 6/29/08 1:26 pm
Good luck!
on 7/1/08 1:28 pm - athens, AL
hi, my name is sandra, i am going thrugh the process of getting approved for band surgery. i'm very nervous about it still. i would love to talk to someone whos already had it done. i have lots of questions. how are you  doing so far?
on 7/2/08 5:01 am - Keystone Peninsula, OK
Hi Sandra!  I haven't had banding yet.  But I just wanted to say hello!  And I hope everything goes well with your approval process. Beryl
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