Ask Dr. Curry!
On March 28, 2009 at 5:35 PM Pacific Time, SWAT_RN wrote:
Dr. Curry,I have type II diabetes and in my estimation should lose about 70 pounds. My endocrinologist recommended that I consider lap band. I've read several research articles about diabetes and the various gut hormones that affect it; considering this and that the role of these hormones isn't totally clear, is there any one bariatric procedure that is more effective than the others?
BTW I'm going to be attending the seminar Apr. 4 and if I could, I'd have you do my procedure that very day! I'm ready and sick of being sick.
Look forward to meeting you on the 4th. I was just banded myself a little over a week ago, so now I have truly a new perspective on things.
The cure rate for type II diabetes in our experience is pretty high. Maybe it's not quite as high as it is for RNY but it's close, and gastric banding is much safer. In my opinion it's the way to go for most patients, especially those that need to lose less than 100 lbs.
Trace W. Curry, M.D. -- Lap Band, Realize Band, Sleeve Gastrectomy
Cincinnati, Ohio & Northern Ky http://www.TheBandDoctor.com
513.559.1222 / 877.442.BAND
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general medical advice only. Please consult your surgeon on your specific problem!
Cincinnati, Ohio & Northern Ky http://www.TheBandDoctor.com
513.559.1222 / 877.442.BAND
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general medical advice only. Please consult your surgeon on your specific problem!
Dr. Curry,
I have the original Realize Band and have a terrible time trying to get restriction. I am getting very frustrated with the whole process and feeling like a failure only losing 34 pounds since last June. I currently have 9.7 cc's in my band....I am not sure what restriction is but I am pretty sure I don't have it. I did have 10.2 cc's in the band but I had reflux and had the last .5 cc taken out. During the time with reflux, I had no problem with food of ANY kind nor did I see a difference in the amount I could eat BUT I had a difficult time getting liquids down and could only sip. I am at the end of my rope.....any suggestions to a possible problem? What is the difference in the new Realize C Band??
I have the original Realize Band and have a terrible time trying to get restriction. I am getting very frustrated with the whole process and feeling like a failure only losing 34 pounds since last June. I currently have 9.7 cc's in my band....I am not sure what restriction is but I am pretty sure I don't have it. I did have 10.2 cc's in the band but I had reflux and had the last .5 cc taken out. During the time with reflux, I had no problem with food of ANY kind nor did I see a difference in the amount I could eat BUT I had a difficult time getting liquids down and could only sip. I am at the end of my rope.....any suggestions to a possible problem? What is the difference in the new Realize C Band??
On April 2, 2009 at 2:16 PM Pacific Time, tommiejean_27 wrote:
Dr. Curry,I have the original Realize Band and have a terrible time trying to get restriction. I am getting very frustrated with the whole process and feeling like a failure only losing 34 pounds since last June. I currently have 9.7 cc's in my band....I am not sure what restriction is but I am pretty sure I don't have it. I did have 10.2 cc's in the band but I had reflux and had the last .5 cc taken out. During the time with reflux, I had no problem with food of ANY kind nor did I see a difference in the amount I could eat BUT I had a difficult time getting liquids down and could only sip. I am at the end of my rope.....any suggestions to a possible problem? What is the difference in the new Realize C Band??
Sorry for the delay...it's hard to say what the source of the problem is. I've seen some patients have this issue and I have no explanation. There is minimal difference to the patient between the original Realize and the C. There are a lot of minor details that make it easier for the surgeon to work with in the operating room. Good luck with your band.
Trace W. Curry, M.D. -- Lap Band, Realize Band, Sleeve Gastrectomy
Cincinnati, Ohio & Northern Ky http://www.TheBandDoctor.com
513.559.1222 / 877.442.BAND
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general medical advice only. Please consult your surgeon on your specific problem!
Cincinnati, Ohio & Northern Ky http://www.TheBandDoctor.com
513.559.1222 / 877.442.BAND
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general medical advice only. Please consult your surgeon on your specific problem!
Hi doctor Curry, I had lapband surgery March 24th last year and lost 40 lbs. I have not lost any since June. People I know who had the old band stated that they were able to eat whatever and had to stop or vomit. Even trying to eat later same experience. Not hungry for 4 to 6 hours and lost their weight. I had the proceedure and was told I got the new improved band that was more flexable and had less chance of causing ulcers. Great! except I have always been able to eat (less than normal) but still more and became hungrey sooner than my friend with the old band. Now I stopped getting fills because the Doc told me thw valve only lets fluid in and not out (faulty valve) so I am afraid to overfill. This concern over valve came about because I wanted to know if lapband leaked because it works best after fill then in 4 toi 6 weeks is less effective. Doc tried to remove fluid to see if the amount was the same as injected over time and valve problem found. I have become depressed, and stopped worrying about weight. Appitite is less than before operation but not working as well as old style lapband friend has. She eats whatever sometimes, but just can'y eat alot or will vomit. Need answers and help. Chuck
On April 23, 2009 at 10:24 AM Pacific Time, seayc wrote:
Hi doctor Curry, I had lapband surgery March 24th last year and lost 40 lbs. I have not lost any since June. People I know who had the old band stated that they were able to eat whatever and had to stop or vomit. Even trying to eat later same experience. Not hungry for 4 to 6 hours and lost their weight. I had the proceedure and was told I got the new improved band that was more flexable and had less chance of causing ulcers. Great! except I have always been able to eat (less than normal) but still more and became hungrey sooner than my friend with the old band. Now I stopped getting fills because the Doc told me thw valve only lets fluid in and not out (faulty valve) so I am afraid to overfill. This concern over valve came about because I wanted to know if lapband leaked because it works best after fill then in 4 toi 6 weeks is less effective. Doc tried to remove fluid to see if the amount was the same as injected over time and valve problem found. I have become depressed, and stopped worrying about weight. Appitite is less than before operation but not working as well as old style lapband friend has. She eats whatever sometimes, but just can'y eat alot or will vomit. Need answers and help. ChuckTrace W. Curry, M.D. -- Lap Band, Realize Band, Sleeve Gastrectomy
Cincinnati, Ohio & Northern Ky http://www.TheBandDoctor.com
513.559.1222 / 877.442.BAND
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general medical advice only. Please consult your surgeon on your specific problem!
Cincinnati, Ohio & Northern Ky http://www.TheBandDoctor.com
513.559.1222 / 877.442.BAND
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general medical advice only. Please consult your surgeon on your specific problem!
Hey, Thanks for the response Doc. I went to my Doc and got a fill. I have confidense that there is no leak and this fill really helped so far. I have another appointment in 4 weeks if I am not still at the sweet spot. I do have 7.5 cc in the 10.5 realize band. Since my fill I only eat a little over 1/2 cup of protein/food 3 times a day and 55 grams of liquid protein. So far (3 days) I have few cravings and even head hunger is less. When I try to eat from head hunger 1 or 2 small bites and I loose the craving feeling too full. If I have a sweet craving I eat 1 sugar free fudge cycle 40 calories or jello which does the trick. If I could stay in this zone I would be successful. I also started back on the 50+ min arobic exercise (recom. bike) and will add strength workout soon. That is all, till later, thanks for all your help the forum has really been a great help, so I post to help others. BeachCat

Hello Doctor, After reading the forum some of my questions are answered but I fear I either have a leak or just have not reached that sweet spot. I had lapband surgery March 24th last year and lost 40 lbs. I have not lost any since June. I also gave up and stopped having fills at 7. People I know who had the old band stated that they were able to eat whatever and had to stop or vomit after 1/2 to 1 cup of food. Even after brain hunger attach and trying to eat later same experience. Not hungry for 4 to 6 hours and lost their weight. I had the proceedure and was told I got the new improved band that was more flexable and had less chance of causing ulcers. Great! except I have always been able to eat (less than normal) but still more than the friend and became hungrey sooner than my friend with the old band. Now I stopped getting fills because the Doc told me the valve only lets fluid in and not out (faulty valve) so I am afraid to overfill. This concerned over valve came about because I wanted to know if lapband leaked because it works best after fill then in 4 toi 6 weeks is less effective. Doc tried to remove fluid to see if the amount was the same as injected over time and valve problem found. I have become depressed, and stopped worrying about weight. Appitite is less than before operation but not working as well as old styleband friend has. She eats whatever sometimes but just can'y eat much or gets sick and will vomit. Need answers and help. Chuck
On April 24, 2009 at 9:53 AM Pacific Time, seayc wrote:
Hello Doctor, After reading the forum some of my questions are answered but I fear I either have a leak or just have not reached that sweet spot. I had lapband surgery March 24th last year and lost 40 lbs. I have not lost any since June. I also gave up and stopped having fills at 7. People I know who had the old band stated that they were able to eat whatever and had to stop or vomit after 1/2 to 1 cup of food. Even after brain hunger attach and trying to eat later same experience. Not hungry for 4 to 6 hours and lost their weight. I had the proceedure and was told I got the new improved band that was more flexable and had less chance of causing ulcers. Great! except I have always been able to eat (less than normal) but still more than the friend and became hungrey sooner than my friend with the old band. Now I stopped getting fills because the Doc told me the valve only lets fluid in and not out (faulty valve) so I am afraid to overfill. This concerned over valve came about because I wanted to know if lapband leaked because it works best after fill then in 4 toi 6 weeks is less effective. Doc tried to remove fluid to see if the amount was the same as injected over time and valve problem found. I have become depressed, and stopped worrying about weight. Appitite is less than before operation but not working as well as old styleband friend has. She eats whatever sometimes but just can'y eat much or gets sick and will vomit. Need answers and help. ChuckTrace W. Curry, M.D. -- Lap Band, Realize Band, Sleeve Gastrectomy
Cincinnati, Ohio & Northern Ky http://www.TheBandDoctor.com
513.559.1222 / 877.442.BAND
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general medical advice only. Please consult your surgeon on your specific problem!
Cincinnati, Ohio & Northern Ky http://www.TheBandDoctor.com
513.559.1222 / 877.442.BAND
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general medical advice only. Please consult your surgeon on your specific problem!