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Hello ladies, I am 9 wks pregnant and 4 yrs post lap band surgery. I am struggling to make my appt to get my band unfilled. I'm terrified of gaining:( I am just focusing on the baby now and what's best for him or her, but in the back of my head I see the before surgery me and I hate it:( any advice?
I am going on 4yrs post op lap band and I am now 9wks pregnant. Never made it to my goal weight and now I'm so nervous to gain
on 5/1/14 8:35 am
Hi everyone! Hope you all are well! Sorry its been forever since I have logged in to update yall! I just currently turned 19 weeks today and we found out a couple of week ago that we are expecting our second little boy :) I have had a very easy pregnancy thus far, unlike my first pregnancy were I was soo ill the first 5 months. I had very slight morning sickness which was easily cured as soon as I ate.....which means I have gained....ALOT ;( The day I found out I was 144lbs but I usually ranged any where on a daily basis from 144-148. At my 8wk apt I was 150lbs and today at 19wks I am 164. My OB is going off my 150lb weigh in, NOT my starting #. He isn't too concerned only in that he is afraid that I will make another big baby (my son was born at 8.2lbs 21 1/4in at 38wks via C-section due to failure to progress) and since I am having another boy its already known boys are just bigger than girls, stature least in most cases. I am trying to a VBAC (vaginal birth after c section) which are sorta hard to come by where I am located, a lot of OBs just aren't on board. My OB is great at will let me try to VBAC if ALL goes well. BUT that means that baby must NOT be breech, I nor baby can't have any issues ie. preeclampsia AND I must go into labor +AND+ progress ON MY OWN. He will let me go to 41 wks to go into labor on my own. But knowing that I 1. have a history of a large baby 2. failure to progress 3. failure to go into labor on my own (I was INDUCED) He thinks that I probably will go to 40 weeks and thinks I could bake a 9lb baby which apparently doesn't stand a chance of passing vaginally. I have a sonogram on the 16th and they will measure the baby and ck on his growth, I can't wait. My son started measuring ahead at 20wks by 2wks and by the time I was 32 weeks he was measuring 6weeks ahead. Originally he said I should gain 25-35lbs but now says to try to keep it 25 to keep from making a 9-10lb baby.....well, shoot...I am more than half way there and I'm not yet officially 1/2 way there. I am trying to do MY best but its hard. I crave all carbs and salt :-/
Sorry this is soo long!!!!!! Again, hope all you mamas, bumps and babies are doing fantastic! Congrats to all the new babies and BFPs! Oh, just fyi there is a Pregnancy after WLS facebook page. It is closed NOT secret. But you can search for it and request to join. There are soo many women in the group and its super active.
Big hugs to you all!
My mind is spinning we recently found out we are expecting again and I seriously dont want to do it again. I was scheduled for being fixed and now I am going to be "host" again lol. This is my 4th child, 2 born b4 sleeve and now will be 2 after. My newest baby is only 5 months old and my body seriously needs a break. But I suppose for now I just have to sit back try to eat and hold on for the ride. I am having terrible morning sickness like i did with my last baby and just trying to look at food makes me want to be sick. If I dont eat within 20 minutes of waking up I will be sick for hours. I am always tired and just want to sleep till this is over. I was just getting back on the weight loss train when it was derailed by this but oh well thus is life and apparently this is how mine is supposed to go. I know I will get to my goal I will just have another little one to chase to help me get there.
My heaviest was 450 lbs which a truck scale told me so in 2007 I decided I had to change. I lost about 125 lbs over the next year but in 2009 I got pregnant with my first child and took the best care of myself I knew how which lead to me losing weight and getting down to 280. But that was short lived and with in about 4 months I was back to 325 and pregnant again. I lost again but again was quickly gaining when I asked for help from my doctor. I met my bariatric surgeon for a consult on June 26 2011 and on September 13 2011 I had gastric sleeve. Since then I have lost 134 lbs and had another child. Currently I eat "Clean" and do not take any type of medication or vitamin. My body is healthy and strong, I get all the vitamins and calcium I need from my diet and my doctors are happy with my success and lifestyle changes and so am I. My goal was always to be healthy so I wanted a healthy weight based on BMI. My goal weight was 164lbs. I surpassed that and got to 150lbs but was too skinny and now am comfortable around 160.
ObesityHelp is honored to have MasterChef and MasterChef Junior Judge Graham Elliot join our ObesityHelp National Conference 2014. Not only is he a critically acclaimed chef, television personality and one of the most recognized faces in cooking today, he is a successful Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG) post-ops. In less than one year, Graham has lost an amazing 150 pounds, and changed his health and his life. Graham will share his insights and engage with our attendees for an open question/answer portion of his keynote.
We hope you'll join us and be inspired by Graham's success along with the other fun, education and support that our attendees walk away with from attending our Conferences. We hope to see you at our 2014 Conference with Graham Elliot.
We are honored to announce our keynote speaker for the ObesityHelp National Conference 2014. Our keynote speaker is the one and only ....
I can't get in to see my surgeon as they don't accept my new insurance :-/
I'm 3.5 years post op roux en y and almost 2 years post op belt lipectomy and abdominoplasty. We had a miscarriage in August 2014 with no real diagnosis as to why. We are about 5-6 weeks pregnant now and worried. 2 days ago we saw the yolk sac (nutrient sac) and the gestational sac, both IN the uterus (yay!) but no fetal pole or heartbeat yet. We're hoping to see that wiggling baby when we go back in 2 weeks.
My question is this: I am one of the few that STILL malabsorb! How much folic acid do we need to take? Is it one of the ones that we only absorb a part of what we take? Any other vitamins that we need to "up" as preggo moms?
RNY - August 13, 2010
LBL - October 29, 2012
a total of 271 lbs lost!!
I'm 8 months post RNY. Just found out... Its a pleasant "surprise" but I admit it's got me a little anxious.
Had the 2 hr GTT with 75 grams glucose today and it was horrible! The only reason I went for the test is I had gone back and forth with my DR and felt, after my last apt, that he was implying something could go wrong if I didn't have it done. He made me feel like it would be fine because he has treated 6 (oh ya a whole 6) post WLS patients and none of them had any problems with the test. Now I feel like that has got to be wrong because I have never dumped so bad. I threw up after 10 minutes (only a few teaspoons so they said its ok) my heart raced for a hour, I was sweating, had the chills, and was too dizzy to stand. It passed by the time the 2 hr mark hit, but man was it brutal. Especially sitting in a lab full of people when I just wanted to be alone in bed. My advice don't do it find a different solution
Congrats! I'm 7 months pregnant 2 years post op and not high risk but I had the sleeve. Not sure if your high risk because of RNY or not. My eating habits have reverted and I started eating carbs and snack foods more than I should but my gain has only been 8 lbs total. Im trying to relax enjoy the pregnancy and remember that I have the tools I need after baby to get back to where I want to be. My word of wisdom refuse the GTT its too hard on post WLS patients. Learned this the hard way today.