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Thanks so much for your response. Sady, I just discovered on Thursday that this pregnancy ended up in my tubes instead of my uterus so I won't have the same joy, but ironically my due date was January 19th as well :) We plan to try again quickly as soon as this nasty medication for the ectopic pregnancy is out of my system so could take a few months. Glad to know it all went OK though.
Diane from MI
Lap RNY 12-19-06, TT 1-7-09
congrats! I remember reading your posts when I was pregnant with my last baby. I didn't post much, was more of a reader!
I am 4 years post op with post op baby # 2 on the way. I got my IUD removed MArch 19 and I am 7 weeks today! My first post op baby (3rd baby in total) was a total breeze. Totally normal pregnancy, labour and easiest deliver ever! I was put on Preg Vit. Which is a great pregnancy vitamin that just so happens to be covered by work health insurance plan too! I continued taking them while I well as up to and including today and will continue through this pregnancy and afterward. They have everything we need and like I said, cheaper than by 27 million vitamins over the counter!
When are you due? I'm due Jan 19!
Hi, I would maybe get another opinion. I am 4 years post op and when I was pregnant with my baby 2 years ago my Dr said I shouldn't take the glucose test as it would make me sick. Instead, she sent me to a diabetes clinic at the hospital to learn how to test my own blood. I sat in a group of about 5 or 6 "regular" pregnant women who actually had gestational diabetes. They were learning how to eat properly to keep it under control. Most of the meeting didn't really apply to me since I didn't actually have G.D...but the part where I learned to test my blood as well as know what blood levels were acceptable was helpful. From about 24 weeks I tested my blood 3 times a day and recorded it. I reported it back to my Dr and after about a month of normal readings I only had to randomly check my blood weekly for the remainder of my pregnancy. I am now 7 weeks pregnant again with post op baby # 2 and plan to follow the same suit this time around. Hope this info helps.
Hi all, I am 11 weeks pregnant and doing well; I'm also 5 years post-gastric bypass. At my last appointment (around 9 weeks) the doctor said that having had a gastric bypass makes me predisposed to gestational diabetes and she wanted me to take a glucose tolerance test now (instead of around 24 weeks when pretty much all moms are tested). The test involves drinking a solution with about 50 grams of glucose in 5 minutes and then having your blood tested an hour later. I am really freaked out by this. I mean, a half cup of ice cream can send me to bed for an hour, let alone chugging 50 grams of glucose! Surely there is another way to test me. It seems to me borderline unsafe to ask a gastric bypass patient to try this test. Also, have any of you heard that gastric bypass predisposes you to gestational diabetes? I can't find any information on it.
Every one loves a good update so here is mine :) Well I had my sleeve surgery March 2012. I started out around 290 and have lost down to 150 :) I must say that I am so happy I decided to put ME first and get myself to a healthy place. I used to be a people pleaser and a "yes" person. I always used to tie my value and worth to what others thought of me. Well I'm very happy to say that I no longer do that and accept myself for the great person I am and have been for a long time. I have been very happy on this journey of rediscovering me. In March 2013 my hubby and I found out we were expecting our 3rd!! It was quite the life changer and our little bundle arrived December 2013 :) To say the least we are blessed!! I struggled with weight all my life and am happy to rediscover a healthier relationship with food. I have become a better mom, wife and person by not hiding behind my fat suit and using it as an excuse to sit on the sidelines of life and parenthood. I am proud of my accomplishments and sacrifices I have made to get here. Yes, I choose to work out now and also try to incorporate daily activity into my schedule. I love my new life and I am extremely proud of myself and the direction Ive taken to get myself where I want to be in life. My best advice is to never give up and follow your dreams and goals. You can do it!! And now without further adoo before and after pics, what everyone looks forward too :)
This past memorial Day weekend with my newest addition!!
Im 8 mo pregnant in this pic, November 2013. :)
My baby shower

Today is the first day of the rest of your life!
I've had 2 VBACs since my sleeve surgery. My first baby(pre op) got stuck and after 3 hours of pushing I ended up with a c-section. She was only 6 lbs (at 41 weeks) and the doctor said my pelvis was just too small. I truly believed that it was more of a position issue than a problem with my body so I was not going to let them discourage me. My second baby was 6.5 lbs and my third was 7.5 lbs and both were born with just a few pushes. Obviously size isn't everything. Don't let the doctor scare you out of trying for a VBAC. The recovery was amazing and I'm so glad they both went so well. Good luck!
I feel your pain! I had my first post op baby 2.5 years ago. He was my second baby, with both of those pregnancies I only gained about 20 lbs and I lost it right away. However, with my preop baby, I gained all of it back and by the time she was 9 months old I weighed more than I did when I delivered. With baby number 2 I was still so early out from surgery (6 months post op when I got pregnant) that it was easy to get back on track after the birth and I lost all my baby weight plus 10 lbs more. I maintained that pretty easily for almost two years. Then, I got pregnant with baby #3 (2nd post op). This pregnancy I gained a little over 30 lbs. I lost 22 right away, but I've since put about 5 of those back on. Baby is 2.5 months old and I feel like I'm slipping into the same situation that had me gaining after my first was born. I'm breastfeeding, so I'm hungry all the time. I'm home with three kids all day, so snacking is super easy. I get upset over all my bad choices and just continue to make more. I have at least 15 lbs to lose and I just keep sabotaging myself. I do good for a few days, but then I'm right back to poor choices and snacking. I really just need to get my head in the game! I keep telling myself I didn't have surgery just to gain weight again, but I'm really struggling. Ugh! So frustrating! Sorry, no advice, but you're not alone!
I disgust myself too..I had 1 baby post RNY. Gained 24 lbs, lost it all and kept it off for the year that I breast fed...stopped breastfeeding in Oct 2013 and then just decided to make super poor food choices and here I am almost 4 years post op, 19 months post baby, 7 months since I stopped breastfeeding and I'm bigger now than I was when I delivered. I may be pregnant right now, on day 2 of missed period..which is great..but that means more weight to gain...ugghhhhhh!
girl i feel for you!!! i only have 1 (had him after vsg) and he's 18 months and the thought of having another makes me cringe right now. lol. it took me THIS long to get back on track and i want to reach my goal (of losing enough weight to get this panni removed) before i get pregnant again. i was so soft and doughy for so long and just now starting to get some definition again. so i totally feel for you. i mean you are already a super mom for being able to handle so many kids! i struggle with just one!!! but you're right, it all happens for a reason. no worries, you will get back to your old self eventually. but its true, we're hosts for them. they take over our whole bodies. i said to myself, i need a break. i need to become whole again before i can give myself to another human being. which is what we do. give ourselves completely. but to be honest, i do miss being pregnant! that part i was good at! lol. though being pregnant with other kids to take care of must be exhausting!!