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Good luck with the glucose test! You may feel like death afterwards, but it shouldn't last too long, and hopefully you won't have to go back for the 3 hour test. As for the weight gain, it can be a real mind game. My first two pregnancies I only gained about 20 lbs (one pre wls and one post op) and I lost it all right away. I just had my third baby in march and this time I gained 30 lbs. I now have about 13 lbs hanging around above the weight I had been maintaining at... it sucks. I'm really struggling with the feelings of failure, like I ruined what I worked so hard for. When I buckle down with my diet,Ii lose weight.., but that is really hard to do with three little ones to take care of. I just need to get my act together because right now I feel so lousy about my body. Anyway, just know that the mental part of this is hard for all of us, hang in there!
Cleaning out your closet is never fun. You can make it fun by donating clothes that no longer fit to our Clothing Swap at the OH Conference on August 15 and 16, 2014.
Need to go shopping for clothes that fit you? You can!! Go to our Conference and pick up clothes from the Clothing Swap.
Our Clothing Swaps are a favorite of Conference attendees. Don't miss out.....come to our Conference and SHOP!
on 6/8/14 6:01 am
I need insulin therapy to keep my sugars more normalized while pregnant...
Since we are bariatric what has your insulin regimne been like for you?
I see the high risk OB/GYN this week....
I would love some feedback...please...thanks
How are you keeping up with the protein and carb intake for your baby? Im worried....I can't keep up...
thanks alot!
on 6/7/14 8:15 pm
Hi ladies! I am currently 24weeks pregnant with my first post op baby (3yrpost RNY) :) The pregnancy has been going pretty good :) We had our anatomy ultrasound 3 weeks ago and our son looked great! I will be having another ultrasound in 2wks time due to measuring 3weeks ahead at my apt on Friday. The biggest issue I have had is weight gain. I have gained a total of 24lbs thus far according to their scale, but its more like 28 on my scale!!!!! Its crazy!!!!!!!! I am not pigging out (a lot) on sweets or crappy food but the weight gain is SCARY! I am paranoid to step foot on the scale bc it shoots up 2-3lbs every single time. Pregrenancy I ranged from 144-148 and I am now tottering in at 174 :( Its an awful feeling, feeling like I have lost all that I worked soo hard for. Our son is #1 and I know I can go crazy and try to shed this massive weight gain after the baby. I am hoping I don't gain too much more.... my body is really getting tired of the added weight. During my next apt I will also be doing the horrid 50g glucola drink. My OB isn't accepting other methods of testing and in my current situation I am just going to have to deal with it. He claims he has had other wls pts drink it and do fine though the effects may not be too pleasant. I am at high risk for GD and with the massive weight gain and measuring ahead I want to make sure I do everything in my power to keep our son healthy and baking til its his time. I will update after the apt on the 20th. Please send me good vibes, prayers, ect as I really am dreading the test. Best wishes to everyone!
on 6/7/14 8:02 pm
Wow, that's great! I am hoping for the best but I know there are no guarantees. I am just taking it apt by apt and seeing how things are going.
on 6/7/14 7:58 pm
There are many options besides the 50g glucola drink. Some OBs are more accepting of alternate testing methods than others. Some include fasting glucose and then cking it 2hrs after breakfast, A1C lab result, ect. Talk to you OB, hopefully you can come up with an alternative.
I am 3ys PO RNY and will be doing the horrid glucola drink in 2weeks. My situation is a tad different so I have to test by this means. Hopefully it isn't tooooo bad. Will update in 2 weeks after its done.
We're at it again! We have another Giveaway so make sure you enter. It is a great one - MantraBands. Wear your mantra for inspiration and extra motivation.
What’s Your Mantra?
It’s giveaway time again! To celebrate the ObesityHelp 2014 Conference, we’ve partnered with MantraBand, to create a special giveaway! They have graciously donated five of their inspirational MantraBand bracelets to celebrate your journeys. Each of the winners that are selected will get to pick their favorite mantra from the MantraBand collection!
To see all the Mantras at MantraBand, goto: and look through the drop down that lists all their inspirational MantraBrands then we want to know, “What’s your Favorite Mantra?”
How-to Enter the Giveaway:
There are 6 ways to get entered into the giveaway! Four of the ways, give you extra entries! The more you do, the more times your name will be entered into the drawing, increasing your chances at winning. Click here to find out all the ways to enter!
I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy.
Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat
What's Your Mantra?
Live In The Moment
Enjoy The Journey
Let Your Light Shine
Choose Joy
Join the new ObesityHelp GiveAway!