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I'm 9 weeks pregnant and my ferratin was 5 and my hemaglobin was 101 and my dr just told me I'm anemic. She wants to do iron transfusions, however, we are going to try iron supplements first. I feel like a bag of dirt, like a walking zombie...I could sleep all day.
Let's not talk about weigh gain and is my 2nd post op baby and 4th in total and I am disgusted with myself and the weight gain. lol.
congrats on being 28 weeks! exciting! :) i was 173lbs and got preggers at 183lbs. the day i gave birth i was about 210. i was happy that i kept my weight in check. i wanted to get down to 160 before getting pregnant so that i would have 30lbs of wiggle room before being in the 200s but thats ok. i only gained about 25lbs which is very normal. and i ate tons of donuts. lol. i totally was bad. i'll be better with my next pregnancy. but anyway. the day after i gave birth i weighed 195lbs. amazing huh? i was breastfeeding and not sleeping and i probably could have lost the weight over the next months but to be honest i ate like crap. i was stressed, sleep deprived, on an emotional rollercoaster (our little guy had some issues when he was newborn), those things far outweighed my weight issues. i started to grab whatever was readily available. i lived off funions. and junk food. fast food. and i ballooned up during the following months. i got up to 215lbs. no bueno. it took me a LONG time to get myself back in check. why? because i had a baby to worry about and i was not a priority. when he was a year old thats when i was finally like, ok, he's old enough, i know he's ok....i can step back and focus more on me now. and i've been slowly and steadily getting back in shape. currently at 186lbs....trying to get back to 173lbs. and ultimately my goal is 140lbs. i want to also have my panni removed. i am giving myself till next spring (that will be a year) and hopefully i can have the surgery, then i can start on baby #2. and that pregnancy will be different.
here's my advice to you regarding weight. this is from a woman who's been there.
your body will completely change. everything is just gonna sit differently on you. you're gonna be lumpy and mushy (thats all the fluid and hormones, that will last for a few months if not more, i was still like that at 6 months). your sides will be narrower but your stomach will stick out more. forever. thats part of being a mom. not that you can't have a flat stomach, you'll have to work hard to get one but even then you'll have a tiny little pooch of skin. you're gonna feel like who is this person? you're gonna feel like you lost yourself. that is completely normal. we do lose ourselves completely. we give ourselves to our children. thats our job. my best advice to you is don't stress about how you look. know that you're gonna feel ugly for a while. thats ok. concentrate everything on that precious baby who needs you. enjoy, i can't stress this enough, enjoy that time, you will never get it back. enjoy your baby. concentrate on doing what you need to do for the baby. you will have time for yourself later.
also you should know that most women (wls or not) take a year AT LEAST to lose the weight. don't expect it to come right off. 9/10 times it won't. know that it is completely normal for it to take a while before you're even ready to start getting the weight off. some of my friends, their kids were 2 when they finally started to lose weight again. it takes time. its totally normal.
breastfeed. it burns calories. BUT i makes you super hungry and super thirsty. drink LOTS of water (i'm sure you already do) and try to make healthy choices. now, you won't be in any state of mind to make healthy choices when you haven't slept, your baby is crying, your nips hurt, you're starving, etc. so my advice is ask your family to make you some meals that you can keep in the freezer (casseroles, etc, things that will last a while) so you can just heat as needed. because you will have no time or energy to cook. having a nice homemade meal will keep you on track. try to keep healthy snacks on hand as well. precut fruits, nuts, cheeses, crackers, whatever. you don't have to eat carrot sticks but pretty much anything that isn't potato chips (like i did). tuna and crackers, sandwiches even. trust me, you will be so thankful there is stuff already prepared for you. so you won't have to do any work. tell your mom or your mother in law to help out with that. they wanna take care of us and i think some of the best things they can do is make us food and clean our house because god knows we won't be doing that for a long time. girl your house won't be clean for a while. lol. but who cares? like i said, that baby is priority #1.
i had low iron as well. my midwife wanted me to eat beets and organ meat. ugh. lol. but i just doubled up my chewable iron and that seemed to be ok. i'm not sure which surgery you had so our situations might be different. i had VSG.
anyway good luck sweety!! as far as the weight the best thing you can do is make good choices now and make sure you have real food stocked up for after baby comes. and it will be what it will be. spend the first 6 months (at least, if not 1yr) just focused on that baby. the weight you can deal with later. as long as you don't go off the rails like i did, you'll be fine.
ObesityHelp had the opportunity for an exclusive interview with MasterChef Judge, Graham Elliot. This month marks his one year VSG surgery anniversary, and he's lost 150 pounds.
Graham is the Keynote Speaker at the OH Conference 2014. At the Conference, you'll hear his story and have an opportunity to talk with him in the question/answer part of his presentation.
on 6/27/14 9:49 pm
Hi! I am 27wks and I too have low iron despite taking meds, though I must admit I am not the best at remembering to take them :-/ I have an appt with a hematologist to take about levels on the 11th. My hemoglobin and hematocrit and rbc are low and a few others are off as well.
Good luck, keep us updated! I will do the same :-)
Hello everyone!
i am now 28 weeks (yikes!) and as I'm sure most of you have felt, I'm having troubles with the scale going up. I know that we are suppose to be gaining but it is messing with my head! I lost 140 lbs two years ago from surgery. I was down to 160 and got pregnant at 170. I am not 190 (okay fine, 193!)..I am a little over where I wanted to be but my doctor isn't worried.
anyways, I went for my diabetes test which was negative however, my iron is extremely low. It has dropped significantly and has my OB concerned. I am now on iron twice a day and will be meeting with hematologist to go over the next steps. My OB thinks it may be an absorption issue from surgery. Has anyone else gone through anything like this?
Also, if anyone has any words of wisdom about the weight gain and how to take it off after, I'd love that too!
Thank you :)
With deep sadness........we honor Dr. Alberto Aceves.
With deep sadness........we honor Dr. Alberto Aceves.
on 6/23/14 7:28 am
Whooo hooooo, I PASSED! My level was only a 86 and anything under 130 is passing! Yay for not having GD :-)
on 6/22/14 11:53 pm
I had my 26wk ob appt friday whi*****luded the 50g glucola drink to test for GD and a sonogram to ck on size of baby and fluid d/t me measuring 3wks ahead at my 24wk appt.
The gtt went well! I was super nervous that I was gonna dump and feel really ill but I didnt! The drink was ICK but I honestly felt fine, just a tad hyper or jittery. I drank it slow, in 10min like the ob said and I think that's why I did so well....had I chugged it I probably would definitely had been sick. I did have a small bout of reactive hypoglycemia abt 1.5-2hrs after the drink but some cheese crackers solved the problem quickly :-) I should find out results today :-)
Sonogram went very well! Baby boy is now measuring perfectly and NOT ahead, nor is there any extra fluid. Ob said sometimes they will have a huge growth spurt then taper off so thats probably what happened. He is still head down and looks soo adorable, much like his older brother. Poor baby does look cramped already, he was bent in half :-( somehow hes gonna have to make it in very cramped quarters for another 10+wks or so. We are still a green light for a VBAC, praying all continues to go well so I can have the birth that I want.
Will update in this thread when i get my labs back.
Hope everyone is well!
In preparation for the ObesityHelp National Conference 2014, are you ready for another giveaway?
This FUN GIVEAWAY includes tracking your activity with a fitbit Flex and .....