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Wow congrats!!! I have not consulted my physician regarding my pregnancy as he was an Aśš after my surgery.
From what I have read we have healthy pregnancies and more so than when we were over weight. Just continue to take vitamins so I been told. At least research says.
When do you make an appt with your OB?
Hello and congratulations! I am Due March 2015. I am 11 months out and this was not a planned pregnancy. I was and still am a little scared and nervous about the whole thing. I myself haven't been pregnant in 11 years and this will be my first baby after RNY. I will see my surgeon next month and have my first official OB appointment the first week of August. Good luck.

Ack! That's what I'm worried about! The weight coming on! So far 16 weeks into pregnancy I've gained 5lbs and hatting myself for it! Mine said they do the GTT now with jelly beans! Everything I've read stated that we are at LOWER risk for GD with RNY.
Good luck! How did it go?
They say Labor pain is the easiest to forget! Guess that's why many women do it over and over! I didn't expect to find myself pregnant after 7 years of NO pregnancy but the RNY had made my PCOS go away apparently and here I am! I have 9 and 7 year old who's over the moon! Do it! :)
So, come to find out I'm pregnant! Wasn't in the cards and BCP made my sex drive NON existant! So I took myself off the nuvaring. NOW i am expecting and due Dec 2014! which will be 2 years after RNY.
My doc definitely said no GTT for me and has marked my chart as high risk. Either because of RNY or the Fibromyalgia not sure yet.
Anyone have a healthy pregnancy and any complications?
I am 5 weeks and loving every minute of it! I had planned on waiting until I was 18 months out but this little blessing had other plans for me! I am very excited! Good luck, whichever way you decide to go.

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Just enjoy your pregnancy, I've gained quite rapidly also with 9 weeks to go ! It doesn't matter how healthy I eat I still gain :( but oh well soon I'll be able to get back on track after baby.
Congrats to you!
Go for it! I never thought I'd be pregnant again after wls but god has blessed me with another and I couldn't be happier. Although I have gained tons of weight with this pregnancy, it's worth it.