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I am interested in the answers to this as well. I breastfed my first son for a year but that was 10 years ago. This will be my first baby post op and I want to breastfeed too but I am worried about being able to make enough milk for baby.

I'm 5 years post op from a RNY and have a beautiful 5 1/2 week baby girl. I've been exclusively breastfeeding. So far things are going pretty well. She's been a little bit of a slow weight gainer, but still within normal. Her pediatrician isn't concerned. I'm just wondering who has successfully breastfed their baby and for how long or what problems others have faced. I'm hoping to breastfeed for at least a year.
It's normal, I went through the same thing when I first found out I was preggers. Try to relax more and enjoy your pregnancy. Congrats!
Thanks for replying. How did you handle the diabetes drink if at all?
I also am just getting a little nauseated but other than that no other issues. Migraines but had those with last pregnancy too but was 7 years ago!
Luckily my doc is already MFM-high risk and has already labeled me that without my knowledge actually! I was asked why I was high risk. I told them it could of been a number of reasons lol
thanks for the insight! I definitely don't keep up with vitamins very well :( but only thing low was b-12 and I take shots for that at the moment.
Good of luck with delivery!!!!
I am 38 weeks pregnant and almost 3 years out from RNY. I have had very few complications and a pretty easy pregnancy in my opinion. At 30 weeks I had to start seeing a MFM (maternal fetal medicine/high risk OB) because my baby fell under the 10th percentile. Other than being small, everything else seems normal and healthy with baby.
MFM can find no reason for baby being small but suspects a placental problem (which would exist with or without RNY). I, however, think baby may be small because of some bouts of reactive hypoglycemia. Truly though, my pregnancy has been great so far. No morning sickness, no swelling, no high blood pressure. I was able to stay active and running up until 32 weeks when the MFM wanted me to stop.
Keep your protein up. Continue all your vitamins. I stayed on my same regimine and added in extra folic acid.
Hello all,
I am 10 weeks pregnant and while I'm happy about my pregnancy I am having really bad anxiety attacks at night. I would be good to find someone out there that can relate. I feel so alone.
I want ant to enjoy my pregnancy!
TIA :-)

"The time is always right to do what is right." Martin Luther King Jr.

Hello ladies I was wondering if you could tell me a good prenatal to take. I currently am 16 months post op as well and am 4 weeks pregnant. I am taking 2 centrum chewables now but not sure about what to do. Thank you
I accidentally left the ttc after wls group a while ago. Can you please re add me?
Kendra Keller
See, i wasn't sure of my Last cycle... so they got me in early to see and date the pregnancy. SO... i got an U/S at 6 weeks! GOOD LUCK! Not too much longer now!
I see my ob when I am 8 weeks. I think thats the normal for everyone. They do all the blood work and I am pretty sure thats when you get your first ultra sound. I am so excited!