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on 11/19/14 2:20 am
Topic: RE: 13 weeks 2 days!

Hi, I just found out I'm 4 weeks pregnant and was wondering what your diet is like? I am so worried I won't be eating enough during my pregnancy.

on 11/19/14 2:17 am
Topic: Pregnant at 39 after VSG. Diet questions regarding the proper nutrition - Help!

So here I am at age 39...I will be 40 in April 2015. I had the sleeve done on 4/24/13 and didn't think of becoming pregnant at all due to my age plus I am already blessed with two beautiful  boys. I wasn't trying to become pregnant, but to be honest didn't think I was ovulating anymore so I slacked off a bit 2 months ago when it came to following the cycle and safety days. Well to my surprise I missed my period, did a home pregnancy test and voila it said I was pregnant!

My main concern now of course is if I will be able to provide the proper nutrition to my baby while pregnant? I am almost 2 years post op and can only consume between 600-700 calories a day. I still keep track on my fitness pal. I've had my regular checkups and blood work done to make sure I am ok on all my vitamin levels and I am good in that department, but would like to get feedback from others who became pregnant after the sleeve. What was your daily menu like, how much protein, calories, fat, etc. did you consume? Did you have any complications due to your sleeve?

I am anxious to hear from your experience. Thanks! :)


I'm 5'4" op I weighed 256 lbs and today I am 123 lbs.

on 11/17/14 12:56 am
VSG on 03/07/14
Topic: RE: Belly pain during pregnancy? Scar tissue streching?

I'm not experiencing this kind of pain, but it is totally possible that you have some adhesions from your surgical scars that are getting stretched/pulled by your growing uterus.

I would definitely talk to the OB and your WL clinic about that pain.

Maybe there is nothing they can do about it, but you at least need to figure out what it is so you know what you are dealing with.


     ticker5'-8",HW 347,SW329,M1-25 M2-17 M3-11 M4-13 M5-14 pregnant-->


Member Services
on 11/14/14 2:45 am - Irvine, CA
Topic: How Do You Handle The Holidays? Tips and strategies appreciated!

Here they are.....the Holidays.  With the challenges of Holiday foods and get-togethers, cold temperatures making it difficult for exercise, along with other stressors, it can be difficult to stay on track. 

Let's support each other in this thread by sharing any tips and strategies you use to stay on track with your healthy lifestyle.  

(We will make this topic into an OH blog post with some of your helpful tips so we can share with more people and help the OH Community on their journey. OH Blog posts are shared on various social media outlets.)

on 11/13/14 6:12 am - TX
VSG on 06/26/12
Topic: RE: Not gaining weight?

Nothing yet from the OB, on weight. All my labs were ok during 1st trimester, thyroid a little low. I was at 134 prior to pregnancy, I lost 6lbs and now I'm at 136. We have our anatomy scan on 12/4. We had an elective ultrasound at 15 weeks for gender prediction and she was a beautiful baby girl and appeared healthy! 

on 11/13/14 5:54 am
VSG on 03/07/14
Topic: RE: Not gaining weight?

is your OB freaking out?  have you had your vitamin levels checked?  your anatomy scan (18-22w time range for that) will estimate baby's size - if baby is tracking too small - they will tell you.


are you normal, overweight, or obese?  they say for BMI overweight or more, that no gain is just fine.

I am 17w and have lost 22 pounds (8m post op) and my doctors are not concerned.  my vitamin labs all came back normal, I am eating my protein plus more, and feeling good. 

I wouldn't freak out about weight until your doctors tell you to be concerned.

eat a variety of healthy foods - protein - protein - protein and take your vitamins.


     ticker5'-8",HW 347,SW329,M1-25 M2-17 M3-11 M4-13 M5-14 pregnant-->


on 11/12/14 6:33 am
RNY on 12/20/12
Topic: Belly pain during pregnancy? Scar tissue streching?

I am currently 24 weeks pregnant and my bump is really starting to show.  I have had moderate abdominal pain that seems to be around my RNY lap surgical sites.  I am 2 years post op.  It feels different from the round ligament pain that seems to be lower.  Is it possible my growing uterus is pushing and pulling on that scar tissue from surgery? Nothing seems to improve the pain (ie laying down or sitting, eating drinking, not eating).   Did any one else experience this kind of pain. 

on 11/11/14 8:06 am
Topic: RE: Not gaining weight?

My best friend always lost 10lbs the first trimester gained the 10lbs back in the second then her weight stayed the same [Shes a steady 125 at 5'6] maybe fluctuating 3-4lbs up and down the rest all while having a visibly large bump. Her Doctors worried about the small to no weight gain but all 3 of her children were in the 8 lbs range and healthy. It largely depends on the woman and the genetics she has to work with in my opinion. Just eat healthy and enjoy your pregnant self and let the doctors do the worrying for now. :)

on 11/11/14 5:56 am - TX
VSG on 06/26/12
Topic: Not gaining weight?

Hi guys!

I'm 3 years post op with gastric sleeve, and 17 weeks pregnant. I lost 6lbs (which I didn't really have to lose) in the 1st trimester. I gained that weight back but I haven't gained anymore. I eat CRAP all the time, sweets and what not in effort to just gain 1lb. I know weight gain is directly related to healthy baby. I just want a healthy baby, is it too early to freak out about no weight gain? I definitely have a baby bump. Any tips? 

on 11/7/14 2:24 am
VSG on 03/07/14
Topic: RE: Did anybody have trouble getting pregnant post-op?

I haven't had trouble getting pregnant post-op, but I have dealt with a short luteal phase before.

It took 13months to get pregnant with my daughter...we were charting.  My LP was 10/11 days and my temps would drop at the 8th day, so it was a low quality LP for sure.

I took Vitamin B6 (100-200mg a day).  Vitamin B6 is supposed to help support the progesterone levels that make for a better quality LP and sometimes longer too.  You can get pregnant on a 9/10 day LP - but it can be challenging too.

I had orders to start the infertility testing and got pregnant the cycle right before that.  The doctor's plan (assuming there was no sperm issue) was to start me on Clomid to spur an earlier and stronger ovulation thus creating a higher quality luteal phase too.  Clomid comes with its own risks though and you should be monitored BEFORE ovulation to be sure you have a reasonable amount of follicles ready to go.  (My BFF had a scary overstimulation incident on clomid...16 mature eggs at once!  OMG!)

Skinny girls can have fertility problems too...and sometimes it is the guy's issue only too.

It is good that you are ovulating and great that you are charting and have that information ready to go.  I hope your wait is short and you get on the baby train ASAP!


     ticker5'-8",HW 347,SW329,M1-25 M2-17 M3-11 M4-13 M5-14 pregnant-->


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