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Hi baby!
5'-8",HW 347,SW329,M1-25 M2-17 M3-11 M4-13 M5-14 pregnant-->
get your vitamin labs done, start taking prenatals and EXTRA folic acid too.
Good Luck!
also - seeing the NUT for some tips and dietary goals while pregnant would be helpful too. Also - speak with your medical team - including your OB to make sure all of them are OK with you pursuing a pregnancy at this time.
5'-8",HW 347,SW329,M1-25 M2-17 M3-11 M4-13 M5-14 pregnant-->
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We've narrowed down the next ObesityHelp Conference #OH2015 to Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles or Raleigh. Take this short survey and help us pick! We’ll be taking form submissions until December 30th. Once we’ve looked over the survey responses, a final location will be announced in January!
I am in the same boat. I lost 100 lbs from rny , I delivered end of November. I gained about 50 lbs, lost 20 within 2 days of delivering, and am still 30 lbs over my original weight.
i feel like a failure for this. I tracked my calories and averaged between 1600-1800 a day thru protein shakes and constant little snacks. That is not a caloric intake to make one gain 30 lbs??
what is your plan of attack
Jaxson Ryan born Nov 1st via C-section. He weighed 7lbs 13oz and he was 20 1/4 inches long.
Hey yall. Figured Id give a little back story... I had RNY 10-25-13 and have been very successful. At my highest I was 293lbs, and am currently 142lbs. Now my husband has finally given the green light to try for #2 (we have a 4 year old littke boy). Im meeting with my new bariatric team next week to get the medical go ahead from them, then getting my IUD out Jan 9th. Besides the normal anxieties Im really excited. The whole reason I had the surgery was to have another child. Any tips or advice for what to do BEFORE getting preggo?
i had Gastric bypass in January 2013, got pregnant unexpectedly in jam 2014, I had a beautiful baby girl in September. At first I lost weight couldnt eat anything. Then I was always starving. I would wake up at 2am so hungry that my stomach was cramping. I gained 50lbs!!!! I just lost 80lbs last year! I'm traumatized, I have 20lbs more to loose to get back to my pre pregnancy weight but i'm stuck at 150lbs. I have back and hip injuries that make exercse really dificult because of an injury from Iraq. I dont know what to do to get back to my prepregnancy weight.
Any help or advice?
where is all this anger coming from on his side? when did this start? were you actively TTC or was this a surprise? did he want more children? what does he do for a living?
from the story you told, it seems like your mere presence annoys (at best) and infuriates him (at worst)- that is not a relationship. does he want to continue the marriage?
if he's so miserable, and if you are too- thank the Lord for the blessing of a baby and start thinking about your new life without him. if you two can commit to make it work, no better time then now to work out deep seeded issues and work on getting the love back. when baby comes finances and sleep will be stretched even thinner, putting more stress on a weak relationship. if you stay, do everything you can to make it healthy for you and baby.

Don't eat 8oz of cottage cheese just because you can - that's 2 servings anyway. You know the saying "just because you can does not mean you should"! You will certainly stretch out your sleeve and not lose after delivery then long for restriction which you can't get back.
Be wise, you were so early out. Grow a healthy baby by eating good nutritious foods NOT overeating. Don't stuff your sleeve instead have several mini meals and snacks so that you will still have a tight sleeve after the baby that you can use to continue your wl journey.
Congratulations and Good luck with everything.