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on 3/19/15 12:10 am
Topic: RE: 6 yrs post op and 12wks Pregnant Question for those that have had babies

Your WLS should have no bearing by itself on how you deliver.  I bet those stats are missing LOTS of other information.  For example, obese women are more likely to have c-sections, were these stats still obese.... I'm sure you'll do great.  For what it is worth, my first baby (pre wls) was a c-section and my second and third were both VBACs.  I really go against that info!

~ Paula
HW/SW/Original Goal/CW/New Goal 
Post WLS baby, born 11/10/11 and 3/20/14

Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 3/17/15 10:44 am
RNY on 08/05/19
Topic: RE: 6 yrs post op and 12wks Pregnant Question for those that have had babies

My OBGYN says there's no need to have a c-section just because of WLS. Have you asked your doctor yet? Medical information on the internet is not the most reliable.

Similarly, it might be good to ask about weight gain. Mine said that WLS patients who're done losing should be like any other patient at normal BMI and expect to gain ~25lb. But that's best to hear from YOUR specific doctor.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

on 3/12/15 3:13 pm
Topic: RE: 6 yrs post op and 12wks Pregnant Question for those that have had babies

I had my baby 9 months ago and had a perfect vaginal birth,  no drugs of anything.  The whole pregnancy went smoothly except for food aversions. Congratulations

on 3/9/15 2:50 pm
Topic: RE: did bloodwork today and scared I may be having a miscarriage

Levels last Thursday were over 13,000 go tomorrow afternoon for my sonogram asking for prayers that everything is Ok and the baby is healthy :) 

Kathy S.
on 3/9/15 4:15 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with
Topic: Did you know? How to get more replies from your posts....

Nothing can be more frustrating that reaching out with a question, concern and or looking for support and no one answers.  Here are a couple of suggestions for getting more replies to your posts.  Vets, your welcome to jump in here with your suggests too

*As you can imagine some questions have been asked and answered over and over again.  Check out our FAQ section.  You can find it under Resources, Weight Loss Surgery Questions and Answers. 

*Do a search to see if your question has been asked and answered before.  How to search?

*If you don't find an answer to your question post it on the forums.  

*Post it on your surgery type forum. You are welcome to post it on the main forum but to reach out to those in the know, you want to reach out to those that have had the same procedure as you.

Duodenal Switch Forum (DS) Fobi Pouch Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum LAP-BAND Forum Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (MGB) Plastic Surgery Forum Realize Band Forum Revision Weight Loss Surgery Forum Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY) Vertical Banded Gastroplasty Forum (VBG) Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy Forum (VSG)   *Subject line is key - include key words so the community knows exactly what you need help with and the right people will respond.  Instead of "Need Help" try "Need Help, VSG, Vitamins".   *Always include surgery type, date of surgery and exactly what your question is with as much details as possible. If you are concerned about privacy issues you can always ask your question and once you get your replies you can go back and edit your post to remove the information you are concerned with.    *There is a big difference in how we answer a question depending on the type of surgery and when you had the surgery.   Happy Posting

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Kim Gyurina, OH Staff
on 3/6/15 2:39 am
DS on 09/27/23
Topic: Early Bird Gets the Savings

Are you thinking of going to the #2015 ObesityHelp National Conference in Raleigh, North Carolina?  Not sure yet?  Read what other attendees say about going to an OH Conference.

Check out the 4-1-1 for the Conference.  Buy your ticket now so you don't miss out on the savings. 

Kim Gyurina, Event Manager

on 3/4/15 11:52 pm
VSG on 03/07/14
Topic: RE: Post op VSG recovery with a 16 month old?

I replied in your VSG board post.


     ticker5'-8",HW 347,SW329,M1-25 M2-17 M3-11 M4-13 M5-14 pregnant-->


on 3/4/15 11:50 pm
VSG on 03/07/14
Topic: RE: When Did You Get a Positive?

Typically if you are pregnant enough for symptoms you are pregnant enough for a positive pregnancy test.  An at-home test can detect HCG as early as 8 or 9 days past ovulation and by 14 days past ovulation a pregnancy test should be fairly obviously positive.

Really - your period may not be late...if you ovulated later, then your period would be due later and this could just be PMS.

the second half of your cycle is usually is the first half leading up to ovulation that can change depending on stress and other influences.

being that pregnant without a positive test is RARE.

I suggest you read a book called Taking Charge of Your Fertility or sign up at and do the free tutorials to learn about your cycle and how that all works.


     ticker5'-8",HW 347,SW329,M1-25 M2-17 M3-11 M4-13 M5-14 pregnant-->


on 3/4/15 10:02 pm - Clayton, NC
Topic: 6 yrs post op and 12wks Pregnant Question for those that have had babies

This will be my 4th, all my other babies were before bypass. I had all of them vaginally with no problems. Why am I reading that most people have to have a c-section because of the bypass surgery. Doesn't make since to me. Any help and advise would be great. I haven't gained any weight yet and hope to not gain more then 10 pounds. 

on 3/4/15 11:51 am
VSG on 04/21/15
Topic: Post op VSG recovery with a 16 month old?



on 3/4/15 6:44 pm


I was wondering if anyone else had a little one at home during recovery? I'm scheduled for surgery on April 21st and I'm not at all nervous about it other than caring for my daughter. I'll be off work for 1 1/2 weeks and my husband will be home with me the first week. I've asked my mother in law to pick her up so I don't have to lift her when I go back to work. I'm just wondering if I'll feel like getting down on the floor to change her and such? And I'll have to lift her out of bed in the morning.  Any insight or advise is greatly appreciated.  Thanks!







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