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Hmmm, will this take your diabetes back out of remission? I remember you talking about your insulin pump because of my researching and search on diabetes and insulin pump. How long were you diabetic?
Congratulations and good luck with everything.
on 11/3/15 7:39 pm
Target brand gummies. They were the only ones I could stand. I also took an extra folic acid and omega as well.
on 11/3/15 7:35 pm
Get an appointment with your dietician right away. Make sure you are taking a prenatal with omega 3 and folic acid. Congratulations.
Thanks so much. This is my first as well. I was scared to tell them, but found out that they werent mad at all. They were happy. They know a lot of women have this surgery to get prego. I do not think you will get in trouble.
You do need to go ahead and talk to your NUT and your surgeon. I was able to choose my prenatal. I am on Rainbow Light prenatal 2 times a day. They are a little expensive, but i like them. I was told to stop my multivitamin bc the vitamin A that is in it is bad for the baby. You will want atleast 800mg folic acid for sure. Ask your team what they recommand you take. I take prenatal, calcium+d3, fish oil, b12, iron, calcium, and biotin.
I will be 25 weeks on thursday. I am so excited. He has really started moving up a storm the last few days. Its awesome. Best of luck and congrats on your little one. Keep me update.
Dont stress but keep your surgery team in the loop.
I'm scared to tell my dr. I am 4 myths post op and oregnant. This will be my first baby! My dr had me sign something about pregnancy before surgery. Do you think I will bein trouble??! What prenatal vitamins did they out your on? Congrats btw!!!
So I am 4 mths post op....anddddd I just took a pregnancy test andddddd it came out positive.....What do I do now?! Are pre natal vitamins ok?! Any advice welcome!!!!!
I certainly wasn't pregnant, but my period was INSANE for a few months afterward. I think it was just everything sorting itself out. I'm 2 years out and everything is good to go!
How did you find out you were pregnant and how soon after? I had my vsg august 6th and got my period a month later, it lasted on and off for a month, went off for 2 weeks and came back on.. its really weird.. Im just not sure if im ovulating or whats going on because I know they say your fertile during this time, just wondering if anyone had a similar experience and became pregnant around this time or if anyone can share their experience. Thanks!