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thanks i will do that does the copy and paste of the actual ticker update itself?
I am nearly 21 weeks pregnant now, with a boy... I am 2.5 years out from surgery... I was 111 the month before I got pregnant, and I feel like I will never see that number again.. I am careful to eat what I am supposed to both wls and pregnancy wise, however I feel like EVERYTHING that goes in my mouth makes me gain immediately.. It is making me crazy.. I have already gained nearly 30 lbs and I have another half a pregnancy to go!! I am going to ask them to check the thyroid to make sure there isn't an outside reason... seriously though, I have been soo careful.. pre wls I only gained 20 with my daughter and I wasn't over weight back then. The dr tried to make me feel better stating smaller people gain faster and then level out, however that doesn't seem rational to me. Oh well I lost it all and then some once, I will do it again as long as that boy is healthy.
I Will be naming MY Little one Roman Arthur ..Arthur is after my dad and I just love the Name Roman
I just got back from my doctor's apt and I am now dilated to 2 YAY!! The dr said she would induce me next Friday the 8th if I don't go before then because I live 2 hours away from the hospital I am gonna have my baby at. I am so excited.
The code never works for me so I just do a copy/paste of the actual ticker into my signature box and it works.
I enter the html code in my signature boxand all it does is post the code not the ticker itself
you're able to get to the tickers right? it's a matter of pasting that code into the text, however there is a limit to the height so you might have to mess around with dimensions if you have more than one ticker running. i had to make my "weight lost" ticker a tiny bit smaller as it was too tall for both to fit at full size.
what problems are you having with it?
I want to add a pregnancy ticker to my signature but am having difficulties could anyone help me?
I have Liam Matheau for a boy and McKayla Lilly for a girl still not certain on gender yet going for my fetal echo on March 15 and will be booking a 3D ultrasound at some point so will hopefully know more then
Of course I like these names now but who knows once I meet my little one