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Lianne C.
on 3/3/13 6:24 am - Garden City, MI
Topic: RE: Failed IVF
I did not have to go through IVF, but I had a hard time TTC with my first post-op baby! I tried for a long time, finally ended up trying the Preseed that everyone was ranting and raving about. First time with that I conceived! I was beside myself though, had the same thought that being lighter/healthier would make it easier. But it was not the case. I even spoke with my OB about the difficulties and he was going to put me through all the testing if I did not conceive that month.

This time around I did not try, but it happened.. Good luck, and hopefully it will happen for you next time!
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on 3/3/13 6:03 am
Topic: RE: 3 months post op :(
Thank you I have an appt with my surgeon on Wednesday and I'm sure that will make me feel better, I'm also already on prenatals so now I'm hunkering down for the long hall
(deactivated member)
on 3/3/13 5:56 am
Topic: ttc update
Nope not pregnant.... yet, but thought I would update.... I did finally see an RE last month.did blood work and all came back normal except my ovaian reserve ;-( At only 24yo I have low ovarian reserve 8-( its 0.9 and for my age should be around 1.5+ I had a hsg which hurt like a mutha! That showed that my tubes were both open though one side was very slow to fill and thicker than the other. I also have adhesions which they say are from my c-section. Needless to say I was devastated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We took a month off everything d/t a residual follicle that as at the wrong place at the wrong time basically. So this cycle we had a game plan in place. I took clomid 100mg cd3-7 and have a sonogram on cd9(Fri) which showed TWO follicles. One was perfect measuring a 20 and the other slightly smaller at 16/17. I took the trigger shot that night. Yesterday I had slight pain on my L side and today has been more severe cramping on my R side. I am praying for 1 miracle though 2 would be just as amazing!!!! D/t my low reserve and us wanting 2 more children to make 3 she said after we had baby #2 to come right back to get pregnant with baby #3. Time is most definitely NOT on my side :-( she wanted ivf but they all push that for the $ but once she knew we would never do ivf (for multiple reasons) she said that she thought I could get pg on my own with some help. We will try this method (clomid+trigger shot+timed intercourse) for a couple of months and if no bfp then move to IUI. I pray this is our month!!!! Please pray or send positive energy, mojo....whatever our way! We did BD 2 Fri and today and will again tonight and on Tuesday for good measure. I want to believe that this cycle will b our bfp cycle!
on 3/3/13 5:11 am
Topic: RE: Failed IVF

thanks!  you too!  

we did 3 iui's before WLS in 2009/2010.  We previously had no other reason other than weight however have lost 120 pounds and still couldn't get pregnant so they did a different blood test and found out my ovarian reserve is very low (i am 37).  they said IVF was best shot.  

Jessica              Surgery Date 9/29/11 Dr. Ian Soriano Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA          HW: 287 / Pre-Op: 280 / SW: 263.4 / CW: 161.6 GW: 145



Liz A.
on 3/3/13 4:39 am - OH
Topic: RE: Failed IVF
I'm sorry youre ivf didnt work. I had WLS in December 2011 and I've lost 165 lbs and holding. I too have had a hell if a time getting pregnant and was so hoping to have no problem after I'd gotten healthier and lighter. Well no such luck for me either. My husband is low but ok so we tried IUI in Jan (not pregnant). we decided to skip feb and try natural with OV kit. I ovulated but were still waiting to test for another week. We're going to try IUI a couple more times before taking a break. We want to try IVF too but not right now. I try to keep busy and not think about it. It's hard but I do puzzles or draw or play games on my phone. It's hard when in alone most nights but I think I'm doing ok. Good luck!
on 3/3/13 3:53 am
Topic: Failed IVF

Yuck.  Did my first IVF 3 weeks ago and found out last Monday that it didn't work.  After WLS I was so hoping that pregnancy would come easy to us.  Just kind of down in the dumps.  Any other ladies going to an RE after WLS to become pregnant?  

Jessica              Surgery Date 9/29/11 Dr. Ian Soriano Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA          HW: 287 / Pre-Op: 280 / SW: 263.4 / CW: 161.6 GW: 145



on 3/3/13 3:52 am
Topic: RE: TTC and high TSH

i am hypo with hashimoto's (autoimmune) and been TTC since 2009  (pre surgery).  You want your TSH to be under 2 when actively TTC.  

I just had my first IVF which failed but at least i know it wasn't due ot my thyroid. lol

Jessica              Surgery Date 9/29/11 Dr. Ian Soriano Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA          HW: 287 / Pre-Op: 280 / SW: 263.4 / CW: 161.6 GW: 145



Celia S.
on 3/3/13 2:20 am - Grand Junction, CO
Topic: RE: 3 months post op :(

I was only 5.5 months post op when I found out I was expecting. 9 months later gave birth to a healthy, albeit teeny, baby boy. Not LBW or anything, just not a chunker like most babies. He was 5lb 15oz and 18.75in. He is now 3 months old and thriving! :)

Being so new post op and expecting is challenging, but not necessarily a recipe for doom. Try and relax and breathe a little, take your vitamins religiously, get in your water, and don't worry about your 'diet' right now. Baby needs you to consume carbs and fats. Best wishes for a happy, healthy pregnancy.

on 3/3/13 12:19 am - KY
Topic: 5 more days!!!

If I don't go into labor before Friday the doctor said she would induce me. I was dilated to two the 1st. I am so excited and waited so long for this moment. I have tried since 1998 to carry and have my own baby. I have lost twins at 20 weeks & another little baby at 20 weeks due to IC. I had a cerclage this time at 15 wks & had it removed at 36 wks. I have been doing great. No pains as of yet. I am praying and waiting. I thank God everyday for this miracle. Good luck to the ones ttc and the ones thats preg. Don't give up. Wait on God. He does answer prayers.



RIP Alan, Isaiah, & Seth



    God is good!!!    
on 3/2/13 10:29 pm - OH
Topic: RE: I dont feel right today

Aren't you pregnant ?  I use to get light headed and dizzy when I was and puked all the time, the Dr explained it was because of 2 extra pints of blood going through my body and my body was trying to adjust to it....But I think you should call Dr and see what he says also, better to be safe than sorry. Good luck

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