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Benefiber is my only solution, I have to take iron twice a day, nothing else works for me.
on 3/4/13 2:53 am
Good luck! At least your armed with knowledge of the situation, imagine the boat you'd be in if you'd waited to have kids in your 30's! Fingers crossed for you!
First, congratulations!
For the glucose test, there are lots of alternatives. Some doctors will have you monitor your blood sugar at home for a few weeks, some have you eat a few jelly beans in place of drinking the sludge, etc. I did a test where I had to eat a "normal" breakfast and have my blood drawn two hours later... super easy! Talk to your doctor and see what he/she is comfortable with.
Can you tolerate fruit juice? I know it is a lot of sugar, but if it gets things moving, I find it worth it. With my last pregnancy, I drank 4oz of apple juice (watered down to make 8oz) twice a day and it really kept me regular.
Relax! You are not anyone else, so try not to compare too much (I know, easier said than done). Pregnancy does not need to translate to years of weight struggle. With my first pregnancy (pre surgery) I gained 20 pounds and lost it all by the time the baby was 2 weeks old. At the time, I chalked a lot of that up to the fact that I was obese at the time I got pregnant. 6 months post op, I got pregnant with baby #2. I was just over a normal BMI when I got pregnant. With that pregnancy, I gained 18 lbs and again lost it all right after the baby was born. I'm now trying for #3 and I weigh less than I did in the 8th grade. When I'm pregnant I certainly TRY to eat healthy and I make sure to eat nutritious meals so that I'm getting everything the baby needs, however, I'm human and I certainly give in to my fair share of cravings along the way. I made sure to weigh every day so that I would know immediately if things were getting out of control.
You will definitely gain some weight while pregnant, that is a given. However, it is the women who go crazy and gain 50, 70, 100 lbs that are left struggling at the end. "Eating for two" does not mean doubling your calories. Most doctors will recommend increasing your calories by about 300. Good luck!
Hi all,
I feel very blessed to have gotten pregnant and I'm more nervous/anxious than excited at the moment. We essentially got pregnant our first month trying so I wasn't expecting it so soon. I have a three year and experienced a great deal of morning sickness and gained a lot of weight as I fed my nausea with carbs. I'm hoping this pregnancy will be sickness free or I will need to find ways to cope.
Question about the gestational diabetes test. Has anyone done that post-op or is there an alternative to drinking that surgery beverage?
I am 17 wks pregnant and just had some labs done. My calcium was low and so was my iron. I am taking calcium twice a day as well as a prenatal and multi so we just added an extra calcium. what I am worried about is the constipation that seems to come with an iron supplement, any recommendations for that that are pregnancy safe?? I was having enough trouble with being regular without any help...thanks!!
on 3/4/13 1:14 am