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After last month's chemical pregnancy, I wasn't sure what to expect this month. I didn't know if I'd ovulate normally, etc. However, just like clockwork, on day 14 I was definitely ovulating. Then, just like last month (and with both of my healthy pregnancies), 5 days later, I felt like I'd been hit in the chest with a baseball bat! The headaches started, extreme lightheadedness upon standing, all standard fare for my pregnancies. Last month I had all of these symptoms but I also had this underlying feeling of doom and inability to get excited. In contrast, this month I felt my "usual" excitement to take a test. It seems unfair that I get symptoms crazy early, but am unable to get a positive home test until several days after my missed period. So, to keep myself from getting discouraged, I waited until my expected period day came and went without taking a test. The other day while in Target, I bought a box so I'd be ready. Last month, the bleeding started just two days after my missed period, so I told myself I'd wait at least that long this month before testing. This morning I cracked open the tests and was disappointed when I discovered the Target brand tests were a blue line generic, I HATE those. I know they're infamous for the thin blue lines that are not truly positives. Anyway, I took the test, and sure enough staring back at me was a super faint, thin blue line. Looked very much like an evaporation line, but appeared within the 10 minutes. Figured I'd just have to wait until tomorrow and hope for a more prominent line. This damn line haunted me all day! Tonight, while out on a milk run, I decided to splurge on a First Response. Thought about waiting for first of the morning pee, but of course, decided to take it now... definitely two lines. One was faint, but definitely nothing that involved any squinting to see. So, as of now I'm cautiously optimistic. I'm sure the chemical pregnancy last month was probably just a fluke, but I'll feel better if the lines on the test get darker over the next few days! So, here we go again!
OMG, for personal info, were you taking your shot on schedule? Depo is supposed to have less than 1% chance of getting pregnant. Yikes! Our WLS does not weaken the potency neither as we do not malabsorb.
I wish you a very healthy pregnancy.
The one time i did use the pill pre-wls i got preggers then switched to nuva ring and only got pregnant once i removed it in hope of conceiving. after i stopped BFing i went back to nuva ring had WLS and only got preggers after stopping it again. For me it is the go to form of BC and once i stop BFing i will go back to it again. It does deplete milk supply so it is not good to use while BFing.
Also, my hospital provides all the post delivery essentials I.e. peri bottle, mesh panties, pads... Also for baby, diapers, wipes, formula (even if you plan on breast feeding, I BF but used formula while in the hospital once or twice just because baby was hungry and my milk wasn't in yet) they also have receiving blankets and gowns for the baby, mine even provides pacifiers and bulb syringe as well.
My recommendation is comfy baggy sweatpants/ Jammie's so you don't have to wear a hospital gown, a bathrobe and slippers, warm socks,comfy clothes to wear home, shampoo/ conditioner, toothbrush and toothpaste, hairbrush, anything else for grooming/ hygiene, at least 2 changes of clothing for the baby (coming home Clothing) just because things can happen at the last minute. I always try not to "move into the hospital" so I don't over do it. Bring a packed diaper bag. I also brought my own pillow and body pillow. Even after delivery I still needed the body pillow due to soreness in my abdomen. I did not bring my boppy pillow, but I had it waiting for me as soon as I got home! Also bring healthy snacks. Most hospitals have hours the cafeteria is open, so if you have the baby late at night you will want seething to eat after. Sometimes their box lunches are not that healthy. Or they are nothing but carbs and a little protein. Oh and Chapstick was something I had to have since hospitals are cold and dry!
In sure you will think of more things you would absolutely want to have there.