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That's my due date too!! Only I have a scheduled c-section for 4/24 due to 2 previous c-sections and my age.
I am post RNY in February 2010--I haven't had issues gaining weight I'm up a little over 30 lbs!
Typically your weight gain has no reflection on the babies weight--when I was pregnant and MO they would have been happy for me to not gain any weight.
Hi Everyone!
I'm currently almost 33w pregnant with my first child, a boy... Due May 2!
I had the DS back in June 2009.
Had some questions regarding weight gain... I've only gained about 9lbs.... all baby... anyone else with WLS had a hard time gaining weight during pregnancy... what about babies birth weight... on the smaller side? Just curious! Any Input would be great! =)
If you want to get somewhere you have to know where you want to go and how to get there. Then never, never, never, give up!
HW/256 SW/248 CW/137 GW/140
*goal reached in 8 months*
* Proud Mommy to Parker Joseph 4/27/13 *
Thanks ladies! Definitely starting to relax a bit and let it sink in that we're going to have three kids! :)
Hoping for the best and this one is a sticky bean! Keep us posted.
Best wishes to you!
The jealousy is hard. I had a hard time with the fact that I felt jealous, too, because it made me feel petty and small.
Infertility is hard, but it sounds like you are on a great path to getting pregnant. Fingers crossed for you!
Thanks for your input---I know I am having a c-section and since I'm 32 weeks and ds #2 was born at 34 weeks was just thinking I should start thinking about this. I don't think this baby will be early since I don't have any blood pressure issues this time around but makes me think anyways (ds #1 was also born just before 37 weeks).
I had forgot about chap stick!! And I definitely only like the hospital gowns for the 1st 24 hrs then I want my own pj's. Due to all my issues and the fact that it was 10/12 yrs ago I was in the hospital for 6 days with one birth and 8 or 9 with the other--at that point c-sections were 5 day stays not just 3 like now. I also hadn't thought about bringing my body pillow--that's a great idea.
One thing to check with your hospital about is that mine has a "If you prefer" menu where you can deviate from picking off the standard menu and get things like hamburgers, salads etc but it's not well advertised so you have to ask for it to choose your meals--but you are also able to order additional sides so I didn't need snack food with me. Our maternity ward also has a breakfast cart that come thru with bagels, muffins, yogurt and fruit around 7 am since their breakfast isn't served until 9 or 9:30am so you get 4 meals on that floor.
Congratulations! What a doll I love the little tongue sticking out....too cute!
RNY 1/29/08
Pre: BMI 47.6 wt 279
Current: BMI 24.9 wt 146
total pounds lost: 133
I am sending positive thoughts and wishes your way!
Good luck :)
RNY 1/29/08
Pre: BMI 47.6 wt 279
Current: BMI 24.9 wt 146
total pounds lost: 133