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I would say try St. Vinny's, Goodwill. You can usually find cheap maternity clothes there. Also Ebay and Craigslist. Bigger clothes looked akward on me, maternity fit well and I didn't look like a blimp.
Mom to Haleigh born 04/14/10 and Dylan 05/15/12
trying not to squee but having a hard time :) he's a cutie! :) i especially adore the picture with his sister :)
i waited until my larger size elastic pants didn't fit any longer. then i went and bought the mama pants. i only bought a couple of pairs. i don't like spending money on clothing for me. i like to shop at thrift stores, alas trying to find clothing in thrift stores at my size is a pain in the tush. so i broke down and found some clearance sales. i'm hoping the few pairs of pants, i bought (four in total) will be enough to get me through the rest of my pregnancy. in all honesty though, they are so much more comfy then my ill-fitting elastics. i wish i had swapped sooner.
I don't believe in buying maternity clothing for pregnancy, instead I just wear tunics and elastic waist jeans, leggings and dresses. This is my 2nd pregnancy, but first pregnancy since weight loss surgery. I need a little advice. I am currently a size 18/20 in bottoms and 2x/3x in tops. I don't have too many clothes in this size as I am still in the weight loss phase and just found out I am 12 weeks pregnant, so should I go buy some bigger clothing to accommodate my growing belly? I don't want to buy too much because once I have the baby I am going to be back on the band wagon to getting to my goal.
How far along are you?? I am almost 33 weeks (with #3) and have only really looked pregnant the last month. DS #2 was quite uncooperative with tests and I went for several cardiac ultrasounds but he was fine (and is a healthy 10 yr old now).
I am finally going for the fetal echo on Friday kind of dreading it due to it being another full bladder ultrasound and at this point I really can't hold my bladder full for very long.
My OB tried to reassure me at m last appointment that he is just being extra cautious but that didn't really help this mom with an anxiety disorder.
I have booked even though I have to pay for it a 3D/4D ultrasound for April 4th to give me some piece of mind.
Yesterday at my nurse practitioner appointment little peanut was hiding and it took 10 minutes to find the heart beat
I am still not showing getting asked all the time if I really am pregnant nice supportive friends I have not.
I was on hormonal birth control post op so that helped some---but I know things were off for me at least 18months hormonally after surgery--the period 7 days later seems a bit much but I'm betting it's wls related and nothing to worry about.
So ever since Dec my menstrual Cycle has been changing I went from every 28 days to every 26 days and now I have started 7 days after my last period..... WTH...... I feel so crabby and sleepy it is not even funny, I will be 1 yr out on may 10th and I have lost 145 lbs. I was wondering if anyone else had anything like this happen to them after there wight loss. I have called my PCP and let her know what is going on and she will be calling me back.