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Topic: RE: Update (new update)
Wanted to add that it took about a week to get a neg. test after our loss in Oct. Hugs to you!
Becca -9/2007
-10/2012 (Forever in our
Topic: RE: Update (new update)
Ohhhh..I am so sorry for your losses! It is so emotional...hang in there! Glad you went in for blood work anyway...that way you had a for sure hard as it is to hear! Hope you get your sticky bean soon!! I had a loss at the end of oct. and pregnant right away! Wasn't expecting to get pregnant let alone that fast...our original plan was to start ttc end of Jan. LOL!
Becca -9/2007
-10/2012 (Forever in our
Topic: Surprise!!
Hey ladies. I've been creeping and lurking on this site since before I even had surgery. My husband and I have been TTC for almost 12 years and have tried clomid and femara unsuccessfully. I had RNY on Jan. 28 and have lost 45 lbs. About 3-4 weeks ago I began to get very nauseous and would vomit, gag and dry heave all day. Zofran did not help at all. Last Saturday I had a dream in which I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. So that Sunday I decided to indulge in my curiosity and take a test. It was positive! As well as the 6 I took later that day! lol! Went to the doc yesterday where pregnancy was confirmed by blood and ultrasound. My question is...I can only manage about 3-500 calories a day. What healthy things can I eat to make sure the baby survives? I don't see the nutritionist until the end of the month (she's booked solid) and should I slow down on exercising so that I may hold on to the few calories that I am eating?
Topic: RE: 5 more days!!!
That is so great, I'm so happy for you! Isn't it just amazing and such a great feeling. . .sometimes I just look at my boys and start crying because I'm so happy to have them and I love them so much already! We truly were blessed. Your boy was a nice size, I'm going to go look at the pics now

Topic: RE: Meet my boys, Damian and Luka!!
Thank you Alice
Damian was 5lbs 13oz and Luka was 5lbs. 1oz. and they were both 18 inches long.

Topic: RE: Meet my boys, Damian and Luka!!
Lol, thank you. I know isn't it funny how completely different they are! I still can't get over it. . .even their personalities are completely different, one is like so serious and just stares at me hard and the other is more chill and happy and smiling all the time!