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i am 37 diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve so 3 mature is pretty typical with that diagnosis. I was on a microdose flare protocol which is an aggressive protocol, using 10 iu of Lupron in morning and evening, 150 iu follistim in morning and 150 follistim in evening, and 150 of menopur. Women with normal ovarian reserve would have a response typical of what you had (8-15 eggs retrieved). With women with the DOR/POF diagnosis they typically get much less and usually end up with a poor responder protocol such as the microdose lupron or the estrogen priming. It sucks!
Thank you :) I knew they would be different but I didn't know they would be this completely and totally opposite. .lol!
lol thank you Liz and yes I do just want to spend every moment with them holding them and kissing them. . .which is bad I know because they are just going to want to be in my arms all the time. . .lol.
And its also bad because then I don't nap during the day when I should and I am exhausted at night, but its ok its only for a short time right.. .lol
Can I ask your age? Depending on your age, 7 follicles is not very aggressive. I did my IVF at 36 and was able to retrieve 11. Your grades look like they could have been better as well, are they doing LH with your gonal? Menopur can help some women with better looking eggs.
My first pregnancy they treated me as if I had gestational, all check up etc. Checked blood sugars daily then every other day third trimester as things were looking normal. This pregnancy since first one went so well, at 28 weeks, I went in ate an normal breakfast (think I had eggs and ham) and exactly one hour later they drew some blood. Everything normal, and that was it. No drinks, etc. Some on here have done the drinks, but they ask, if you can handle eating 50 Jelly Beans without getting sick you can probably do drink, if that many would make you sick, so would the drink. I knew there was no way esp as sick as I have been during this pregnancy.
Good Luck!
OM goodness.....they are sooooo sweet!!! My older sisters are twins and could not be more different....looks, personality, everything. Congrats they are beautiful!!