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whoops didnt see you had surgery in 2010, so purely nuva ring and no comdoms and didnt cecieve? again sorry for getting personal
thank you for your response! and so did you take out the nuva ring and planned to concieve, or stopped the condoms and suddenly concieved (sorry to be so personal)
thank you for the fantastic information :)
Ditto what Samara said.
I was told to wait 18 months--but i do know women who have lost all their excess weight being given permission to try sooner.
1) what birth controls did you use after the gastric bypass to prevent pregnancy? my husband and I use condoms and I use nuva ring.
We used nuva ring and condoms till about 4 months post op then surgeon said ok to just use nuva ring since it didn't have absorption issues. Just FYI I looked into the patch but I think the maximum weight for effectiveness is 195 so not an option for me immediately post op since my pre op weight was 278
2) how much weight was gained with pregnancy? I know it differs between people just scared to death I'll gain all it back from pregnancy.
I am 34 weeks and have gained 35 lbs so far
3) was the pregnancy fairly easy food and nutrition wise?
I haven't had too many nutrion issues--it made my reactive hypoglycemia worse 2nd trimester but that seems to have leveled off now. I also developed anemia but at the time many pregnant women do so no idea if surgery related--doubled my iron and it has resolved
4) has anyone had the surgery then plastic and had child a few years after plastics? if so how did it go, did it affect the any tummy tuck or breast implants? I ask this because I plan on plastics in 2 years after I get the GB.
No plastics for me, not yet anyways
thank you veyr much for your response and experience's you shared! i never heard of the patch. i use nuva ring cause i am very forgetful when it comes to taking pills. im good about my vitamins though its weird. lol and i cant do extended time over 3 weeks cause it affects my moods and personality bad! really bad! i dont have pcos. and 29 pounds isnt so bad. my friend who hasnt had sugery she gained 60 pound and only got rid of 20 of it and she is so sad about it....i hope im like my mom and only gain 12 pound with kids haha. and good to know for the plastics too! that was a concern of mine definitly. and i never had breast in the first place i have a little bit of boobs because i am quite a big lady. so they are going to disappear for sure! and i want to be proud of my breast's and body, you know?
thank you again for your response.
Hi There,
Good questions.
) what birth controls did you use after the gastric bypass to prevent pregnancy? my husband and I use condoms and I use nuva ring.
I used an oral contraceptive however not effective for everyone. I have PCOS so the chance of me getting pregnant were a little more complex than others. It was a high dosage pill and it worked well for me after surgery. I also did the patch for a time but did not like the side effects.
2) how much weight was gained with pregnancy? I know it differs between people just scared to death I'll gain all it back from pregnancy.
With my first pregnancy with my son, I was about 4.5 years post op, I gained 29 lbs, and had lost it all by the time I went for my 6 week post partum follow up visit. I am 28 weeks with this pregnancy and about the same experience with my son, maybe a little more, but hope to have the same results after.
3) was the pregnancy fairly easy food and nutrition wise?
Since I was pretty far out from surgery it was not too bad. I did have anemia but suffered with that has a pre op as well so maintained with supplements and diet. Towards the end of pregnancy I could eat less due to restriction with baby but nothing unbearable. My son was born at 37 weeks weighing 6 lbs 7 oz so no issues there.
4) has anyone had the surgery then plastic and had child a few years after plastics? if so how did it go, did it affect the any tummy tuck or breast implants? I ask this because I plan on plastics in 2 years after I get the GB.
I actually had an extended tummy tuck, breast lift (no implants) and thigh lipo in May of 2012 and then found out I was pregnant at end of September...big surprise, as I had to do fertility treatment with my son. So far although I am about 7 months pregnant I look more like 4-5 and everything feels tight, and some stretching/pulling around scars. My breasts are still pretty perky but will see what the effect is after the baby and nursing. It was still a risk I was willing to take because knew I wanted more kids, maybe not that soon, so worth it for me.
I think it all depends on where you are in your weight loss journey and health wise in addition to what type of surgery that you had. Most doctors will recommend about 18 months before TTC to allow you to maximize your weight loss and get your body healthy with the adjustment of nutrients, etc If you still have a significant amount of weight to lose and are still losing at a good pace that is another thing. I am not sure what the reproductive doctor would say, or if they require any clearance, as all are different, and it may depend on also what factors are contributing to your need for the IVF as well. The main thing is ensuring your are healthy enough to support a pregnancy and carry to term with no risk to you or the baby. There are ladies on here that have gotten pregnant soon after surgery and went on to have healthy babies, some with, some without, complications. I think you will need to weigh your options and consult with your surgeon and reproductive specialists to see what is best for you. Good Luck.