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So I finished the very first ever round of Clomid, Estadryl, and had my cycle day 12 ultrasound last Friday that reveled a small 16 cm follicle. The NP was not too worried, she thought maybe I just ovulate a little later and felt sure that the follicle would grow to 17cm (the minimum they want the follicle to be for the HCG) within a day or two. So I self injected HCG on Sunday morning Holy bat wings that was hard! You would of thought I was trying to talk myself into jumping off a cliff....geez I had no idea what a coward I was!
So the ovulation test strip was super positive on Monday The test side was noticeably darker than the control (first time that has ever happened for me) I won't go into detail, but If there was a snowballs chance in hell of getting pregnant on Monday, I think we took full advantage.
Anyway, that leaves me with a two week wait before the doctor wants me to take a pregnancy test. My period should be due around April 1st, so incase anyone was wondering, I will be officially crazy for two weeks.
On the bright side, my face is breaking out in a lovely rash of acne, oh insult to injury, why me! always me! :)~
anyway, I am staying positive, hopeful and happy!
RNY 1/29/08
Pre: BMI 47.6 wt 279
Current: BMI 24.9 wt 146
total pounds lost: 133
Please, B*tch away!
I totally feel for what you are going through, as I (and DH) am in the same boat! Actually, you story seems very similar to mine. There are months that I cry when AF shows up and then there are months that I am pissed! I know that for me, my age (41) is what is going against me; for DH is a low count. We have done the whole infertility work up and I just finished my 4 month of Clomid (in 2WW now-again!). He has 2 boys from a previous marriage and he tells me all the time that "we do have kids, you are their mom", but it's not the same, I want a baby that is our DNA....
BTW- you would have been totally justified to punch out your co-worker!! How rude!!!!
Can you share a daily menu with us??
How many grams of protein are you eating a day?
How much water?
I am about 3 1/2 years out and having so problems with losing baby weight from my last two pregnancy that I had after the surgery. My first pregnancy was ok it was 6 months out and I did well. But my 2nd pregnancy was hard on my weight and I gain about 20 lbs and then after the baby they put me steroids that was another 10 lbs. So I need help I cant mess up my weight loss like that. I need some advice!!!

Ladies I am with you....7 weeks or less, no name, I don't even have one diaper in this house! Thank goodness walmarts just a few mins away! LOL. We have painted baby's room, no crib set up or anything; we have it all but nothing set up, waiting for the husband to pull out of the storage space....I did buy some cloths with my mom a few weeks ago, and on April 20th we are having a diaper party, so I should have basics by let's hope she doesn't come more than a couple weeks early! The first one seemed more prepared, but as the commercial reveal, you become much more relax on the next ones ....right. :)
Crossfit is the best workout I have ever done...was very active in sports when young and worked hard at finding what I "like" to do, and I dont' just like it; I love it. I was worried at first because although I could do a 5K, I have no upper body strength, not very good at weights, etc. But when it comes to crossfit- if you give it the proper timing, you will feel and see results and you keep thinking..."WHAT ELSE CAN I DO"....when I started about 18 months ago, my deadlift was 85 pounds to lift one 18 weeks preggo...I deadlift 200 pounds....I can't wait to see what I can do once I can recover from this pregnancy....
Let me know if you have any questions...or any information/questions etc....
on 3/21/13 8:16 am
I agree, 33 weeks is great progress and success. I think it will help you bounce back faster in the long run. I am interested in Cross Fit and plan to check it out for workout options after I deliver too.
Names are so hard! I thought for sure it would be easy, but nope. My son was w/o one for two days after he was born, and we ended up picking one that was not even on the list. Go figure. Since we are moving I dont really want to do a nursery up only to have to move so may just make do with the essentials and then go all out once we move!
That is good to know. I am hoping that I have the same luck. I only had my TT for a few months before getting preggo so never really got to see full results so anxious to get back to pre pregnancy weight and working out, etc