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has some great products some you can use while prego some you cant
I know i have seen on here before that some of you get pregnant before a year out is your body handling it and if you have already has the baby are you loosing the weight back off before that you did with the surgery?
i dont know if this is true but my doctors have told me i cant have the merina put in because i never have been pregnant and had a baby. but i wanted it because it was a long lasting and can get it in non hormonal (which is great because i go crazy lady with constant hormones I.e. depo provera, 3 month constant nuva ring.
thank you and congrats on your pregnancy. I wish you and your baby nothing but the best.
I was going to go the Mirena route. I was told that it would be the most effective. I had went in for an appointment to talk about getting an IUD and then was going to get it put in a couple weeks later, but then I found out I was pregnant. I was only 2 months post surgery, and I'm 17 weeks now. My advice is don't wait, I also have PCOS and never thought I would get pregnant on my own without meds or some type of reproductive help but I was wrong. I'm excited to be expecting at the end of August, but I'm constantly worrying about my baby getting enough nutrition even though my OB hasn't expressed any concerns as of yet.
How exciting! Enjoy all the little kicks now, then the jabs that come later. You'll miss them after you have your baby. Having your child in your arms is the best, but you get used to all the kicks. I'm 17 weeks and 3 days and patiently waiting to feel something, I haven't yet, but I'm sure it'll be in the next couple weeks, well hopefully :) Congrats!
If a doctor or midwife uses a ultrasound, to insert the Mirena; it can be very safe and effective!
I'm now going on my 4th month of using nuvaring and SO FAR it is working ..prior to nuva ring i wasnt using anything and YES i got preggo at 6m..easily (after having pcos and told i wasnt ovulating and would never have children without meds) . That was unsuccessful so now i'm using a method of bc. i guess you call it trial and error lol
I'll be 1yr post op in 3 days.
I am 18 weeks and 1 day pregnant. This is my first pregnancy. I have not been feeling good all day today but tonight something awesome happen. I felt my baby kick or move . omg it was great
I had a lot of medical problems before my weight loss surgery. like high blood pressure so i wanted something that worked great but had a lower risk of stroke r heart attack. in the end i got the implanon implant it goes into your arm its like a little match stick so you don't have to worry about taking a pill or forgetting to take it. After you get it it takes a week to build up in your system. when you take it out it takes about the same time to come out of your system. But like all birth control there is some side effects. good luck with which ever one you pick