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Thanks for the response! I think I felt movement again last's been 4/5 years since I was pregnant with my first...I can't quite remember when I felt him moving for sure. I have felt some movement since 14 weeks...but the last week or so I hadn't felt the same kind of movement....I think baby is facing my back. I am going to keep track of how often I think I feel it and if it doesn't seem right I am going to call my Dr.
Becca -9/2007
-10/2012 (Forever in our
Thanks for the reply...I think I felt movement again last night. I first started feeling movement around 14 weeks but it has been on and off and then this last week or two I hadn't really felt anything. I am about 30 lbs heavier than I was with my son...but I also have not gained as much weight during this pregnancy (to this point) as I did with my first. I am going to keep an eye on how often I feel movement and then go in if it doesn't seem right!
Becca -9/2007
-10/2012 (Forever in our
I am 25 weeks with my first and only really knowingly started feeling him move last week had thought I was feeling him the odd time before but couldn't be certain now he i very active
i didn't feel anything really until the 21st week (this is my first). ever since he's been an active critter waking me up most mornings. i'm not near my ideal weight. i was within 100 pounds before i got pregnant. so far everything has been fine. i don't know if it's normal that it too****il 21 weeks, but that might have been my weight. i'm not sure.
Congrats on your baby! Hoping summer will be nice to me (us) this year! :). I am thinking baby is facing towards my back...per my 16 week US. She had trouble getting some of the pictures...but we did finally get what she needed. I think I feel it move..but then doubt myself and think maybe it is just my innards.
We have a guess its another boy...but since baby wasn't facing the right was just a guess at best...we shall see come the 9th of April. Kind of hoping she was wrong and it is really a baby girl...but either way I am already in love and my 4 year old tells me all the time he is so happy we are having a baby! :).
Becca -9/2007
-10/2012 (Forever in our
Thanks for the response! It's good to know I am not alone. I was/am worried because I did feel movement...since about 14ish weeks...but it has been on and off at best...and recently it has been a while. At times I thk I feel it...but then just wonder if it is my innards. When I went in for my 16 week wasn't in a good position to get pictures...(she eventually did get some) but I am thinking baby is facing towards my back! I get cramping and pressure at times. We got the heartbeat at 12 weeks with the Doppler ...took a couple minutes to find it...but when you hear that's the sweetest sound a mom can hear!
Thanks for the response. :)
Becca -9/2007
-10/2012 (Forever in our
WIth my pre op babies I didn't really feel them move until at least 22 weeks. And my ob had issues even getting the heartbeat on a doppler and would just stick me in the ultrasound room to verify the heartbeat at those apts.
One gal in one of my online wls groups is 27 weeks along with her 2nd post op baby and still doesn't feel movement--but everything is fine.
our babies are due around the same time my due date is aug 23 but im having a c section on the 16th of aug. I just started feeling my baby move. i was also told that my baby is a little lower then most so i wont feel as much as most woman will. I was also told if you dot feel the baby all the time dont worry the baby could be facing your back.I wont find our if its a boy or a girl til the 19th of april. i wish you the best and congrats on the baby
Sorry for some misspelled IPad wont let me go back and correct them!
Becca -9/2007
-10/2012 (Forever in our
First off, this is our second baby and I am a bait heavier than I was with my son. (Thanks to some side effects from some meds pre-pregnancy...I had started to lose some, but now that I am almost 19 weeks...I have gained some). Anyway...may question is when did you start to feel baby really move? I have felt it prior bit have not for a while. At time I "think" I feel it, but not 100% sure...I had an ultrasound at 16 weeks an was measuring 16 weeks 6 days...everything looked good as of then...but now I am getting kind of worried. My son is 4 1/2 it has been a long time and I don't quite remember when I started to feel him really move. I go I on April 9th for my 20 week ultrasound...but not sure I want to wait that long...but the other catch is my OB is on vacation until the 8th. (And then like I said there are times I think I feel it...but not totally sure). When I had the 16 week wasn't in a good should it be that it is facing towards my inside and I don't feel it often? I am sure my weight isn't helping either...but I am not THAT much heavier then I was before!
Thank you in advance! I appreciate any advice/experiences!!
Becca -9/2007
-10/2012 (Forever in our