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I am sure I felt baby move last night again and this morning...which helps with reassurance! I knew as soon as I posted this I would feel movement again...after a good week and a half...give or take! I can't wait for the hard kicks where my belly moves...that was my favorite part of pregnancy with my son...I could watch it all day! I started this pregnancy a good 30 lbs or so heavier then I started with my son! (Thank you Dr. for testing out some meds pre-pregnancy before giving me what I really needed all along!). I was afraid the extra weight would inhibit how I felt movement...maybe in a couple more weeks it will be more noticeable! Thanks for the response! Maybe I just didn't give it enough time! :)
Becca -9/2007
-10/2012 (Forever in our
And I find my tolerances for sugar are much higher, not to mention it's getting harder to eat healthy food since my little girl is getting so big and sitting so high (35 1/2 weeks)--my cravings haven't been that bad but I had 3 surprise showers this week and a wedding--all with lots of sweets readily available!
I used the depo:) It was nice not having periods or having mood swings. Cautions though, if you plan to get preggers stop the depo a year before you start trying.
I do better on progestrone based BC than estrogen. I go crazy on estrogen. Oral BC is a big NO NO if you have had a malabsorption procedure. There is also the IUD's Mirena or Paraguard. There is also Implanon, which is implanted in your arm under the skin and last for 3 years. When you take it out, you can try to get pregnant right away :) I don't know if it's just the luck of women I have met but NUVARing seems to not be as effective. I don't know if they misused it or whatever but if you use it, use a condom too. At least I would, just to be safe.