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on 4/1/13 8:20 am
What you are feeling is perfectly NORMAL it's alot to process having had WLS to lose weight and now be pregnant. Just be strong and TRY not to worry about any weight. Continue to track your calories and remember not to go hog wild. Because you are overweight your baby WILL take from you so keep hitting your protein, vitamin, water numbers so your baby won't deplete you.
Are you logging your food intake? Maybe that'll help you feel "more in control."
Ms Shell
Yes, I still do log. I just needed a pick me up. I will be ok. I'll continue to stay on the right path. Thanks for the pep talk Ms. Shell.
What you are feeling is perfectly NORMAL it's alot to process having had WLS to lose weight and now be pregnant. Just be strong and TRY not to worry about any weight. Continue to track your calories and remember not to go hog wild. Because you are overweight your baby WILL take from you so keep hitting your protein, vitamin, water numbers so your baby won't deplete you.
Are you logging your food intake? Maybe that'll help you feel "more in control."
Ms Shell
My cycles even on birth control were all screwed up post op till at least 18 months.
I didn't have symptoms that made me think I was pregnant immediately--in hind sight I had morning sickness but didn't realize that--I had miscarried and didn't take a test with this pregnancy till I was 8 weeks, I just assumed the delay in my period was from the miscarriage--till dh pointed out that I had no period and seemed nauseous a lot!
Well AF showed her ugly head this morning (as scheduled at least she is consistent)
I was really hopeful this month, we timed our BD just right. It's so hard to stay positive. I believe GOD has a plan and I'm trusting him but it just sucks to have your hopes crushed month after month.
Oh well here is to a possible New Year's Baby! Oh yeah and I can have a much needed glass of wine tonight.
How did the other TTC'ers do this month? Any BFP's?
He is absolutely adorable! Happy Easter to you and your beautiful little boy!
PS....when's the next one? :)
Beautiful, beautiful boy! Time is flying. I remember when you were disappointed & TTC.
How was your sleeved stomach during and how is it after pregnancy in terms of restriction/capacity. Changes? For me, right before my p I can eat so what seems like so much more so I am curious about the hormones.
Thanks for sharing momma
My hubby and I are TTC. I was 286 pounds when I conceived my son almost seven years ago. I had severe fatigue and migraines during my first trimester with him. My cycles have always been regular and I had no problems conceiving the first time. Now, after RNY and losing 133 pounds, we are trying for number 2! I was wondering if any of you ladies were pregnant and had no symptoms. I felt a few of the early pregnancy symptoms last week but they have gone away. However, I am a day late. Two HPTs have come back negative. Is it possible for RNY to reduce hormones so much that I wouldn't have enough to register on an HPT? I figured that I would wait a few more days and test again if my cycle doesn't start. Any comments or suggestions?
I think we all have our moments where we feel like we have backslide and it can sometimes be a long slide. I would mention to your dr. how depressed you are though. Emotionally everything is hard right now. I know I can break into tears because of nothing and I never cry outside pregnancy. Keep in mind pregnancy does end and life with your new one begins. Focus on your overall heath and not that scale number (as hard as that is)....Good luck and I hope you start feeling better, enjoy that time while you can.
Thank you Stacey