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well, it's the extra skin. it's not allowing the pump to pull properly on the milk ducts so I do better hand expressing. On another note, my LC said that might help with insurance paying for a breast lift. She said she'd be happy to write to letter saying it's medically necessary for the proper nutrition of my baby. Maybe it will work before I have baby #2, lol.
Do you have a double pump??? I used single pumps in the past as i couldn't afford a double and i couldn't get my milk to let down. The difference is amazing!!! This is the first time i have not had to supplement. Hope you get some good pointers and they and help. Good Luck!!
My baby is 3 months old and she a problem staying latched due to the extra skin. It was nice when I was engorged as I didn't feel the pain that normally goes along with it. I'm a 36H and was a 44I before surgery so there is a lot of extra skin. Going ot see my LC right now about pumping too. not pulling the milk out and emptying my breasts. not sure what hte problem is.
I myself have not had any issues. I went from 42DDD to a 36C. While BFing my Pre-WLS babies i went up to a EEE, so was hanging a little My post WLS baby is 8mo old and is still BFing without difficulty and i have only gone up to a 38D. While at work i pump and no difficulties there either. Infact i have figured a way to pump with no hands!!! Unhook the bra attach the shields begin pumping and rehook the bra and it will keep the seal and you can catch up on what ever that needs done....hehehe.....the extra skin come in handy after all ;).
I don't know what the difference is. I did get a BFP at 3 weeks pregnant with the dollar tree test.
giirrrrrl, why is that always the first question i get from people? lol! i think i'll just take a break from now and pass the mojo on to on e of you guys. :)
I'm sorry about your miscarriages. They are never easy....I've had two myself, one before WLS and one after...not easy at all. I think it's important to give yourself that break (I say that now but after both my miscarriages I didn't want to hear it when the doctor said wait 3months...I nodded sweetly to them but in my mind I was like 'yeah whatever, we're trying as soon as we get home'.) LOL in hindsight I'm glad I didn't get preggo and allowed my mind and body to just emotions over the loss didn't come immediately after the miscarriages but in the weeks after.... manifesting itself in all kinds of obsessive planning (charting, tempting, ovulation tests), researching all kinds of websites (regarding pregnancy symptoms 5 days post ovulation~okay I still do this one but not as obsessive-LOL).. and ultimately bad eating habits which led to weight gain. It took me a while to get back on track and get myself together.
So take all the time you need and fingers crossed for your next BFP!
Re missing your 2nd round of IUI, that totally sucks....I'm so very sorry. I totally understand that feeling of maybe all this isn't worth it or maybe it's just not meant to me. Then immediately I say no....I know GOD will bless me with a child of my own, I just know it in my heart of hearts yet this knowledge doesn't always make the emotions easier to deal with. I hope that you get your BFP this month.
Oh and regarding the feeling of loosing your cycle did something weird this month. It started on Monday but then it stopped...nothing all day of course my mind started going to thoughts of hummm maybe that was implementation bleeding so of course i tested this am....BFN! so your sooooo not alone in the thoughts/talking yourself into pregnancy.