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Thank You. It was certainly scary. I am taking it easy and happy to say that my foot looks almost normal again compared to the elephant hoof I had earlier in the week.
Thanks! This is actually my 2nd pregnancy and with the exception of severe anemia everything else is so different with this pregnancy. Seems like if not one thing, it is another, lol This little girl is already starting drama from the womb!
Looking for some insight . .
I gave birth 7 weeks ago. I had the Lap Band surgery 3 years ago. Never had any problems. No discomfort with the band or port during pregnancy. But since I gave birth, I have had these random episodes of pain at my port site that last a couple days usually. It kinda feels like the port is digging into my ribs or my hip bone. Has anyone else experienced this?
I don't know if it's from carrying my baby girl around constantly or what. It just feels like its out of place . . . maybe it will get back to normal once my abs are back to normal?
Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks!

"You are what you repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit" -Aristotle
SW: 237lbs | Lap Band Feb 2010 | LW: 188lbs | Post op baby Feb 2013 | July 2015 slipped band diagnosed | Oct 2015 band port eroded through adominal wall | 10/20/15 lap band removed | Regained to 215lbs | VSG: 12/4/2015 | LW: 148lbs but settled around 154lbs | Post-op baby #2 born Jan 2018 | CW: 160lbs
how many calories do you intake per day being pregnant? how many were you intaking before...
i'm comfortable around 6-800cal a day now, my NUT wants me at 1200 and then up to 1700 a day during pregnancy ....I know i'm very early out still (3months) but I'm not sure how i could get that many in during the day....
just wanting to see what the "real world" pregnant post sleeves are doing lol
I got a very clear + on a ebay cheapie one and my HCG was under your pennies and buy a bulk back off ebay or dollar store ones :)
You poor thing! My sister in law had a clotting disorder and had severe blood clots during her 4th pregnancy and was on injections and bed rest most of the pregnancy--so take at easy!!!!
Keep your feet elevated & relax. Is this your first pregnancy?
Best Wishes,
I have followed the King family on Facebook since Connor was born and then their blessing, Eli. I could hardly believe my eyes when I read Christina's post that Kevin had passed away. They were such a happy and loving couple and shared so much love for and with Eli. I am certain that Christina's heart is broken into a million pieces and all that is keeping her together now is her little man, Eli. Kevin and Conner will forever watch over those left behind. Truly a tragedy that is beyond words.
So on Tuesday I had a business trip to Guadalajara, Mexico. It was a one day trip, there and back, and on the company's corporate jet. I had gotten approval from Ob/GYN to fly at the previous visit I had when I was 28 weeks. For the trip, I was 30. The flight was about 1.5 hrs and since it was pretty comfortable I did not think to get up and walk around, etc, with exception of bathroom break. We did a lot of walking, meetings, up/down while there and I noticed my foot was swollen. I wore flats but my feet, or rather foot, still hurt. Once we got back, my co worker noticed my foot looked even more swollen. But I chalked it up to pregnancy, travel, etc so took a shower and went to bed. Woke up and it was even bigger. I had no ankle and sausage toes, my leg was warm, and it hurt, a lot. But I still went to "designer" flip flops. At about 430 pm I said let me call the OB just to be safe. When I explained my symptoms and that it was only on one side they said go right to L&D. When they checked me out, had a fever, swollen foot, headache, etc. I was admitted and they started testing for a clot and ultrasound showed one in my lower calf/ankle area although very small. So they started aspirin, elevation, and other treatment right away. I was allowed to be released today but am on bed rest through my appt Monday. I have to take aspirin every 4 hrs, use heat, and elevate but leg already looks much better. They think that the baby is also resting on left side so pressure of that on pelvis and nerves is what made the swelling worse. All in all I think everything will be fine but it was a scary experience and one not to ignore. I had actually planned to take one more flight in a few weeks but that is definitely not going to happen. I pushed the doctor to approve this trip as it was and played up the short trip and jet as benefits of trip so nothing to worry....lesson learned. Health and safety of me and baby are #1. This pregnancy has had enough drama so I am just ready to meet my daughter with no more craziness!
Nope, I am not pregnant lol That would be lovely but I have put off baby making for another 3+ months.
Went to my Gyno in late Feb and I love her more and more every time we have an appointment!
Little background:
I took my last depo in oct and did not renew it in Jan, havn't had a period since last aug
I am 28 and would like to have pop out 2 children before 30/31 hits
I have PCOS, my weight loss didn't 'cure' it
she said we would wait till april to get hormones checked
then at 6 months if i still have not started my period, will put me on provera
then a few months after that we will try to get regular and see if i can conceive
if nothing happens she said metformin or clomid
she wants to be very proactive:) i am very happy about that
till then its condoms, can't wait for august to get here