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Do you get your period regularly? The easiest way to see if you are ovulating is to do basal body temperatures daily for several months here is a quick link I found
There are also ovulation predictor kits where you pee on a stick to see if you are ovulating but they don't help if your period is not regular.
Are you still loosing weight? It took me over 2 yrs to feel my hormones were leveling off after surgery.
First off I just want to say I know nothing about fertility issues since I didn't have too much trouble conceiving my babies. It took us about 6 months total for each with a loss before each sticky baby! I am just wondering why you want to wait to see your Ob/Gyn until June? If you are not on any Birth Control now and you are planning on a baby in the near future why don't you go see him/her now? It really is best to see one 'before' getting pregnant. Then you could get all your answers right away and make sure everything in that dept is healthy and ready. Since you are not using any BC I would suggest if you haven't already to start taking prenatal vitamins and folic acid...from what I have heard 3 mo prior to getting pregnant is best. (I have always been taking least a good year before my first baby and just continued). I have NO idea about any tests since I didn't have those issues, so I hope someone can answer that for you. Don't know how well they work or how effective they are but First Response does have a test you can the pregnancy Tests (you pee on them just like a pg test) that tests for fertility. I know nothing about them...but maybe check it out...or you could do ovulation tests to see if you are ovulating...just a thought.
Anyway, good luck and hope someone with more experience with that can help you. :)
Becca -9/2007
-10/2012 (Forever in our
Hi everyone! Lets hope something posts this time since it looks like everything I typed didn't post!! So I am 10 months post op Rny and my husband and I are thinking that we want to start trying for a kid,however I have not been on any form of birth control since January and I still have not gotten pregnant now I know my body is most likely just trying to get back to "normal" but I'm just wondering maybe I'm not fertile? Maybe I'm not ovulating! I was thinking about making an appt when I'm off for summer break from work in June to seemy OBGYN but I'm wondering from all of you do you know if there are tests they can run to see if you are ovulating? See if your fertile? I know that I can go to a fertility clinic and pay a pretty penny for them to run all kinda of tests but since I really don't have the money i was hoping to just ask my OBGYN to run them please let me know what kind of options are out there for finding out if I can even have a child!
"Suck it up and someday you wont have to suck it in"
I'm 3 yrs out--my ob told me to increase my calories by 300 a day--I don't count calories but did add another snack a day. So I eat protein shake or bar for breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinnner, evening snack. If I am hungrier (I was starving all of my 2nd trimester) I did eat more often. I am 37 weeks now and have issues with portions again due to the size of the baby but also my appetite has dropped a lot.
thanks again Alice! Another question for the doc next month! :)
Thanks Alice!
I have an appointment with the Ob/Gyn next month and I'll be sure to ask. I bought a regular prenatal to start taking now (it's basically the same as what I was taking before) and will see what she has to say.
Oh I know! The hormones are making me nuts! I was such a grouch on Sunday, I left the house to get a pedicure just so my husband could have a break from my mood swings. I recognize it is happening and that I am acting out of character, but for some reason I can't control it.
I am much better today, but Monday and Tuesday were pretty rough.
Hanging in there :)
RNY 1/29/08
Pre: BMI 47.6 wt 279
Current: BMI 24.9 wt 146
total pounds lost: 133
So, I am sitting at home this AM and tv shows a commercial for Pizza Hut stuff crust pizza. From that point on, I knew for lunch, I was ordering one...pepperoni, mushrooms, green peppers, onions....It was going to be at lunch time today, I ordered one....didn't care that it had to be a large (so enjoy office friends)....but I just couldn't wait...
Now, why when I take the first bit of the stuffed crust part of the pizza, did it turn my stomach! I did eat the bottom, but the part that looked so good on the commercial had such a funny tecture...and by the way, I ate this before and enjoyed it (not while pregnant, or probably in 5 years, but still)...
Guess what I wanted today, just wasn't really needed by my body! Guess lesson learned...oh well more for the office folks!
Just felt like sharing...hope everyone is having a fantastic day!
I am eight years post op, so I can probably each much more than you at this point in time; however, as my baby has grown bigger, my portion size has gotten much smaller again (not complaining). My rule of thumb, eat before I am starving, I always feel sick to my stomach if I don' I typically eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack....depending on how big my meals are and what it is, depends on what I eat on snack breaks. Some foods like fish run through me pretty fast so I am always hungry after eating that much faster, etc. I try not to focus on calories to much, you will probably get plenty and your OB will be keeping an eye on both your weight and babies and will address if they think its a problem. As my second baby after RNY, and hanging out on this post, I don't see it's ever come up as a problem on here. Hope some of this helps!
GOOD LUCK, enjoy your pregnancy! Stacey
At 9.5 months out & almost 6 weeks- any advice on calories needed? Also, how many times per day do you eat? Do you find it is easier to eat several small meals a day or do you try to stick to 3 main meals? Of course I will inquire from my doc as well, just wanted input from here. :)