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Are you seeing just a regular ob/gyn or a reproductive endocrinologist???
Name: Meli
Location: Miami, FL
Pregnancy status (ttc, pregnant, had baby): had a baby
If ttc for how long
If pregnant how far along and do you know baby sex
If had baby already how old is baby: 4 months
Do you have other kids: no just one
Which surgery did you have and how far post op are you: Sleeve, 2 1/2 yrs
I rarely get time to post, and don't have much to post about since i'm not pregnant or TTC but i still love to come and read posts when i can. Good luck to all you ladies TTC and for those of you preggers, so exciting!! :) keep posting ladies!
Ok so let me first start off by saying that I had RNY in Aug 2011 and got married 12-12-12. We have been trying to get pregnant prior to us getting married. My periods were never normal prior to surgery and well still are not normal now. I have lost right at 180lbs since surgery. So I went to the doc to help figure out what was going on with me and why my cycle has not/never been regular. They did blood work and an inner ultrasound to look at my ovaries. Well doc came back and said that my ovaries are covered in cysts and that I needed to take progestrone for ten days and then I would get my period and then take a round of clomid. Now this was back in jan and I still had not gotten my cycle. After the first month I called the doc back and told him I had not gotten my cycle and he said okay to come in and we will do more lab work and try estrogen with the progestrone. Also at this time my annual came back funky and they did a biopsy at this time as well which came back okay. So we did 30 days of estrogen and the last ten days of that I did the estrogen and progestrone. So again no period, went back cause doc was concerned and wanted me to see another doc in the practice to see if he could see anything. So I went and the other doc order blood work and also looked over the ultrasound again and said that my lining was only a 2 and normal is 8-10 and Pcos range is 13-15 and was worried why mine was only at a 2 without have had a cycle. So he up my dose of estrogen and I went on my way. Got a call Sunday afternoon( was asleeo due to working third) but no msg was left. called the doc on mon he was out nurse said that he called cause my estrogen level came back low, I said ok. Well yesterday doc called and told me that my estrogen was extremely low (27) and normal is 170-210, that my levels were post menapausal, granted I don't turn thirty till the end of the month. Do not really know what I am looking for I am just frustrated, upset, pissed, sad and everything in between. So now I go back in may for more labs and another ultrasound. The only thing I want in lif was a family.
Name WifeMama
Location Northwest US
Pregnancy status (ttc, pregnant, had baby) Preg
If ttc for how long
If pregnant how far along and do you know baby sex 6 weeks
If had baby already how old is baby
Do you have other kids Yes - 3 others (girl, boy, girl)
Which surgery did you have and how far post op are you RNY - almost 10 months post-op
Name: Michelle
Location: Missouri
Pregnancy status (ttc, pregnant, had baby): Pregnant
If ttc for how long: This one was with no effort, but with my first son we tried for 2 years, PCOS sucks, apparently surgery was the trick for me, although I know it's not for everyone.
If pregnant how far along and do you know baby sex: 22 weeks tomorrow and it's a girl :)
If had baby already how old is baby
Do you have other kids: One boy 6 years old Maddox
Which surgery did you have and how far post op are you : RNY in September 2012, so I'm a mere 7 months out, it was an accidental pregnancy to say the least, but our little girl is doing great and we're beyond happy :)
Pregnancy status (ttc, pregnant, had baby): PREGNANT
If ttc for how long: 13 YEARS
If pregnant how far along and do you know baby sex: 9 WEEKS, NO
If had baby already how old is baby
Do you have other kids: 14 yr old DS
Which surgery did you have and how far post op are you: RNY, 10 weeks
Name Elisabeth
Location Windsor Ontario Canada
Pregnancy status (ttc, pregnant, had baby) pregnant
If ttc for how long
If pregnant how far along and do you know baby sex 27.5 weeks boy
If had baby already how old is baby
Do you have other kids just fur kids two service dogs and two cats
Which surgery did you have and how far post op are you RNY 9 months post op