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I agree with the others in that you should see a specialist. My insurance does not cover infertility treatments either, but initial visits to a RE are covered for diagnostic purposes to confirm that is truly the issue. In this case, I would definitely want a 2nd opinion. I had similar issues due to PCOS and had low hormones but was able to get that under control with medications, treatment, etc and conceived my 1st son this way who is now 5 years old. Good Luck.
Please go see an RE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mom to Haleigh born 04/14/10 and Dylan 05/15/12
Name Stacey
Location Hampton, VA
Pregnancy status (ttc, pregnant, had baby) Pregnant
If ttc for how long
If pregnant how far along and do you know baby sex 36 weeks and having baby girl
If had baby already how old is baby
Do you have other kids 9 year old step daughter and one turning 3 tomorrow (also post op baby)
Which surgery did you have and how far post op are you I had RNY in 2004
Name Paula
Location NY
Pregnancy status (ttc, pregnant, had baby) TTC
If ttc for how long TTC since January, Had a CP in February and a very early MC in March. Currently having my first normal cycle since the MC, and planning to try again this month.
If pregnant how far along and do you know baby sex
If had baby already how old is baby
Do you have other kids Yes, 4 yo girl (pre-op) and a 17month old boy (post-op)
Which surgery did you have and how far post op are you 2.5 years post sleeve
Depends on the type. Soy protein can mess with your hormones.
I got pregnant 6 months after my sleeve, and I never switched to a prenatal. They're harder to digest than a chewable, and my regular 2 multi's had just as much or more of all the important stuff in a prenatal. OB and surgeon were both on board with this move, and my labs were great the whole time. Good luck!
Right now just a regular ob/gyn because the health insurance I have until June 1st does not cover infertility, but as of june 1st I am going to go to a specialist.
Location: Ohio
Status: TTC for 3 years with DH and 10 plus years with ex DH
Other children: (m) son, Lance-12 (previous marriage ):
Surgery: RNY Dec 2011
Name: Samara
Location: San Antonio, TX
Pregnancy status (ttc, pregnant, had baby): Pregnant
If ttc for how long: N/A
If pregnant how far along and do you know baby sex: 32 weeks, It's a Girl
If had baby already how old is baby: N/A
Do you have other kids: Yes, one son, 5 years old (Post Op Baby #1)
Which surgery did you have and how far post op are you: Open RNY, will be 10 years in August
I got whatever normal ones the OB runs and then went to see my surgeon who ran all the vitamin/protein level etc ones.