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I came home from the hospital in size large yoga pants and a medium top. As of now I am a size 10 jean and size med top.
I lost more weight after each of my pregnancies.
Mom to Haleigh born 04/14/10 and Dylan 05/15/12
Great to hear! I know tops will be different with breastfeeding, that I'm not concerned about since I don't wear many fitted tops and dresses don't work when breastfeeding. I do have some yoga/sweat pants to wear immediately I just wondered how long I would be in them since I look around at many never obese Moms who still look pregnant months after birth!!
With my post op baby, I gained about 20 lbs during the pregnancy. I was juuuust starting to wear a size 6 jean before I got pregnant. I left the hospital in a normal pair of size 8 jeans and was wearing 4's by the time the baby was about 2 months old. I wore a normal fitted top home from the hospital as well. Good luck!
I had my son post op, only post op baby, and was a size 10/12 on bottom and medium on top. I would say with the tops I was able to get back into them within the 2-3 weeks with the exception of some button up blouses, fitted tops, etc due to larger breasts from breastfeeding, etc With the pants, I wore my jeans in about 3 weeks and for sure by my 6 week follow up. I actually ended up getting smaller. Granted they were not super fitted skinny jeans, but they were my "regular" jeans. I gained about 30 lbs with that pregnancy and had him at 37 weeks. For the time that I was losing weight after birth I work some of my maternity jeans, maxi dresses, skirts, or yoga-workout pants as I did not want to invest in larger size clothes if it was going to be short term. Hopefully the same will hold true for you (and ME) after this pregnancy!
There are quite a few PCOSers here. I echo what everyone else says...get thee to an RE stat! My insurance doesn't cover infertility either but does cover diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause. PCOS is a valid reason to see an RE.
Lap Band September 2007 / Slip discovered March 2014 after significant regain / Revised to VSG April 29, 2014
For those of you that have babies already or had post wls babies already can we discuss clothing once the baby is born???
My first two babies were pre op and with in 2-3 weeks I was back in all my regular clothes--of course they were size 20 with the 1st and size 22 with the second.
I was a size 4 jeans pre-baby --bigger on top--size M/L tops-typically a size 12 dress. I have gained 35 lbs and am almost 38 weeks.
I know I won't be back in my size 4's in 2-3 weeks--what was your experience?? Trying to figure out if I need to get bigger size jeans/shorts and what size or do I just wear knit/stretchy stuff??? I'm not a big fan of knit/stretchy stuff!
Name - Christine
Location - Bay Area, CA
Pregnancy status - TTC
If ttc for how long - 3 months actively trying (Tried prior to WLS as well)
If pregnant how far along and do you know baby sex - N/A
If had baby already how old is baby - No kids
Do you have other kids -No
Which surgery did you have and how far post op are you - RNY - 16.5 months out.
This month has been a whirlwind! I finally got my luteal phase over 12 days by taking progesterone last month. I started Femara on day 3 this month and went in today for what was supposed to be a check up to measure follicle sizes. We were a little late, though and I'd ovulated some point within 24 hours. So, we did an IUI this morning instead. DH's sperm was the best it has been in the past 4 moths. We're hoping since we've found out he has a Vitamin D deficiency that his levels will continue to improve with supplements. In the doctors words "normal couples have a 25% chance each month of conceiving, with what you had to work with today, you have a 10% chance. Better then the 0% chance you've had in the last 4 months!" So, we're taking our 10% chance and running with it. I'm hoping the odds are in our favor this month. Maybe tax day can be lucky for something. 2WW... HERE WE COME!