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First of all, congratulations, what an amazing miracle!! Now, take a deep breath. Everything will be fine! Just because you're not a year out, doesn't mean you're doomed. People have babies before they're 18 months all the time, and they're usually just fine. Eat what you can tolerate, sleep whenever the baby does, and just try to enjoy this crazy ride. Just think how great it will be as they get older and are so close in age. Good luck with everything!
Name: Pam
Location: Denver, Co
Pregnancy status (ttc, pregnant, had baby): pregnant
If ttc for how long
If pregnant how far along and do you know baby sex: 9 weeks
If had baby already how old is baby
Do you have other kids: yes a 9 WEEK OLD!
Which surgery did you have and how far post op are you: gastric bypass 9 months ago
Hi everyone! My husband & I just adopted a baby (he's 9 weeks now) and I discovered i'm 9 weeks PREGNANT!
I had surgery in July last year, so i'm not even a year out. We used protection, but God must've had other plans for us!! We tried 10 years to get pregnant with help from fertility doctors with no luck & waited 3+ years to adopt our son and BOOM we're pregnant!
I had my first prenatal last week and everything looks good. All my labs came back great except I'm low on vit D. I had horrible horrible morning sickness (more like all day long sickness), but the prescribed me Zofran and it works wonders! I was having such a hard time taking care of my son because I was soooo sick. Now I'm just having a hard time because I'm so freaking exhausted and he EATS every hour & a half to 2 hours... It's crazy!
I contacted the Bariatric dept at Kaiser to inform them of my pregnancy & the woman on the phone made me feel like crap & that I was either going to miscarry or i was going to cause serious damage to myself. I mean, we used protection, it happened, let's move forward & tell me how to best proceed. I'm not naive, I know there are risks. But she was so mean & made me feel like crap. I'm so nervous now. I don't want to harm myself or my "blueberry"
My children are going to be 9 months apart!! Oh my how will I manage!? :)
i'm also worried about weight gain, but as long as I don't go crazy, I'll be okay!
I was 5 and a half - 6 weeks pregnant. Didn't KNOW I was pregnant, but had sore full boobs (thought I was about to start my period), extreamley nauseated (thought it was the stomach flu), EXHAUSTED (up every 2 hours with newborn adopted son figured that was it), clear discharge like ovulation and missed period (I was late the previous month & figured I was late because of the stress & exhaustion of having a newborn).
My husband finally made me take a test & I was 7 weeks. I didn't put 2 & 2 (or 5 & 5) together sounds rather dumb now like DUH!! But I really had an explanation for it all lol.Stacey
I was 6 weeks with my son and with this one about 4.5 weeks....sore boobs, extremely tired, nausea, etc were the signs in addition to of course a missed period
Name Youlanda
Location Washington, DC
Pregnancy status (ttc, pregnant, had baby) Pregnant
If ttc for how long
If pregnant how far along and do you know baby sex 16 weeks and it's a girl!!!
If had baby already how old is baby
Do you have other kids Yes they are grown (22 and 21)
Which surgery did you have and how far post op are you RNY 6 years post op; RNY revision 10 months post op
Only look back in life to know where you DON'T want to go
I was permitted to eat prior to the 1 hr gtt and my levels were elevated--but they were elevated with my 2nd pregnancy as well and that was pre op. I have issues with RH as well and had been having issues along in the pregnancy so while I knew the gtt would make me feel awful I really wanted the OB to see the results to make sure everything was ok. I took a protein bar and high sugar snacks with me for after the test and it did throw my sugars off for several hours! I then had to do the 3 hr gtt fasting which I passed although I felt awful that entire day! My RH flared up tons during 2nd trimester (even when it typically shouldn't have) but has been pretty much non-existant in the 3rd trimester--I'm 38 weeks now.
I didn't have to change my vitamin routine as my chewables had adequate folic acid. My ob said to up my calories about 300 a day, i don't count calories but did add an additional healthy snack. I continued with my daily protein shake/bar.