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Awesome! Welcome aboard....
Congrats! And the woman who you spoke with at your dr is just not very educated. Look through this board, and many women have had children earlier than that 18 month rule and have been fine. I have even seen people less than three months out from surgery on here. Vit D is a very common deficiency; I have been on 50,000 mg a week since my first pregnancy 3 years ago. Most OBs consider your gastric when doing test ect, but they don't consider you any higher risk than anyone else that comes in your office. Hope you are feeling better with morning sickness, Zofran can be your best friend, it was mine throughout this pregnancy.
Good luck! Stacey
I lost 100 pounds after surgery and kept it off entire time. I suffer from PCOS- 3 failed clomid cycles with Ovidrel injection and 1 failed letrozole cycle with Ovidrel injection. I decided to take a month off while we get everything in order to move over seas to our new duty station. I was going to start IVF once we got settled in South Korea.
Super Bowl Sunday I tested and got a BFP immediately on a cheapie. So of course I had to go buy a digital. Digital said Pregnant! I called RE and had my first ultrasound 5 weeks 4 days. I got pregnant at 167:
Now I'm 15 weeks 6 days 172:
Detroit MI
Since July but not completely actively trying... In other words enjoying my husband and if it happens then it happens
Have 1 son he is 10
Had RNY on July 5, 2011... Have been at my goal weight since July of last year and everything else I need to lose is skin!