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I get that way. I never correlated the 2 until just a couple of days ago though!
Thanks for the reassurance that has made me feel better I will just continue doing what I am doing and see what happens in the long run
There is really no need for you to gain weight. As long as the baby is growing fine, don't worry about it. Like Alice said, unless you're underweight, there is no real need for you to gain. Your body could be losing weight while the baby gains, and you'll end up with a net loss at the end. Baby will do just fine!
Anyone else get super ravenous hunger during their ovulation week? Every month it happens. I can't get full no matter what I eat and end up wanting to eat constantly. OMG MAKE IT STOP!
From what I know there is no reason for concern--it's really only if you are underweight or in the normal BMI category that they care if you gain weight--if you are overweight at all the recommendations I have heard are to gain no more than 20 lbs and if you have gained 8 you are probably pretty much on track to gain close to that. If there are any nutritional issues it won't be for the baby--the baby will get what it needs from you, even if it depletes you. If everything looks good on the ultrasound there is no reason to be concerned. I have gained close to 40 lbs (almost 39weeks) and I didn't look distinctly pregnant until the last month or so. And while I have gained close to 40lbs it hasn't been a slow steady gain it has been in junks and not reflective of my eating either--I will go weeks at the same weight then put 5 lbs on suddenly.
I don't really know much about this whole subject either, but I'm in the same boat as you. I'm 22 weeks and I lost 28 pounds in the first 3 months, now I've just been at the same weight since the beginning of March. I've been bouncing around between 230 and 233 since then. I eat all the time, and at my 20 week ultrasound I was told my baby girl looks perfectly healthy and she's growing like she should. I have the same worries, so you're not alone. Since our babies are parasites, I think they're going to get everything they need, we might be the ones who suffer.
Congrats love the baby bump you look wonderful
I am 28 weeks 2 days and to date have have only gained maybe 8 pounds I keep gaining and losing the same 5 pounds. I am not trying to lose the weight I'm eating all the time it seems the weight just doesn't seem to want to stay on and to think before surgery I just looked at food and I would gain weight.
So far Liam seems to be growing all right I am measuring 31 weeks as of yesterday he is transverse and high up in my rib cage I'm not showing unless you know I am pregnant then you can see it otherwise i just look a little cubby
Had the most wonderful bonding experience a couple weeks ago with a 3D ultrasound now it feels more real
I am just concerned that he isn't going to be very healthy because of the lack of weight gain and the fact that I am still taking narcotic pain killers for an weird unknown pain that has been investigated like crazy but can't find a source for. So far my OB hasn't said anything about my lack of weight gain and he is the one that is prescribing my pain meds
Has anyone else not really gained anything?
My prepregnancy weight was 210 I am now 192
The ultrasound showed a follicle almost 17 so I did the HCG injection this morning and I go in tomorrow for IUI. The Follicle is in my right ovary and it is the most cystic so I hope that it will be alright. After that is the dreaded two week wait!
I'll keep you updated :)
BTW this round of clomid and estrodyl, made me kinda crazy. I had mood swings from hell, hot flashes, I was STARVING, and generally unpleasent!
RNY 1/29/08
Pre: BMI 47.6 wt 279
Current: BMI 24.9 wt 146
total pounds lost: 133